Good morning on Tuesday 05.03.2024.
The weather
The temperature will be between 6 and 10 degrees. It will be cloudy with rain. The wind will be moderate from the east at a speed of 7 m/s.
Lucky of the day
Abundance, synchronicity, impartiality and unity are working principles in the universe. You just have to tune into their wave and let them work through you.
Holy Martyr Conon strictly worshiped God. He was forced to sacrifice to the idols but refused and had nails driven into his feet and made to run. Worn out from the agony, Konon later died.
Religious holiday of the Buddhist community in Bulgaria – Buddhist New Year.
It seems that the person who communicated with you exclusively on business topics wants to take your relationship to a completely different plane. Give him a warm welcome, but just because he craves intimacy, you don’t have to accept him at all. Explore all options and don’t forget about your high standards. After all, this is one of the reasons why this person admires you so much. Your professional and social circle is rapidly expanding. You’ll have a hard time keeping track of everything at first, but that’s where the fun will be.
Today you will trust your loved one 200%, even if he has done nothing to deserve such trust. Just try not to overdo it in this difficult task, so as not to get upset and reproach yourself later for such unpredictability.
Do not be categorical in your relationship with your loved one! A flexible approach will help you better understand the situation and find the best way out. In fact, you may not have to look for a way out, because everything can suit you. The main thing is to assess everything quickly and on time.
It’s hard to get your internal engine working at full power these days. If the events planned for today do not inspire you at all, take the initiative and change your schedule a little. While you’re waiting for things to fall into place, do something unexpected. Surprise your friends with a lunch visit, a flirty phone call or a witty email. Every day shines with the colors you paint it yourself. So, with this information, put it into action and make this day the way you want it to be.
On this day, you should be wary of all representatives of the opposite sex who meet your requirements for external attractiveness in general, and beauty in particular. They can even with their very existence make you think about how much your partner is the right choice for you.
Do not perceive mysterious looks and whispers behind your back today as a desire to offend you. Above all, your loved one wants to surprise you, and his goal is to get even closer. So don’t get in the way of his training! Your curiosity can ruin everything.
You don’t have to constantly make an effort to make everything in your life go well. Therefore, if you want to deepen your personal relationships or expand your business ones, you don’t necessarily have to work every second without a single moment of your hands crossed. Today, it is very important to find a balance between the need to continue making efforts and the need to rest. You don’t have to work on your lunch break either, because there’s nothing that can’t be postponed at least for a while.
Your relationships with loved ones stabilize. Today, much easier than any other put, you will be able to reach agreements and arrangements with “complex” people, who are capricious and unpredictable at first. Unexpectedly, you may find that you can not only overcome your own inner contradictions, but also help others achieve mental balance. You may find that you have talents that you didn’t realize you had until now, and you may want to show them off to everyone. At gatherings and holidays, you will be the center of attention. Jealousy and the desire of the beloved for exclusive control over you can become a problem in romantic relationships.
You cannot boast of high vitality, but your mood will be good, and even in difficult situations you will be able to maintain your optimism. Be ready to remember the unsolved problems, and to fix your own and other people’s mistakes. Routine activities and household care will take up too much of your time. The influence of positive trends in the sphere of romantic relationships will be very strong. Favorable circumstances for new acquaintances and hobbies will appear. This will be especially true if you are planning a trip or visiting an entertainment establishment. The day is also suitable for solving financial problems.
During this day, you will want to pamper yourself in some way, and even more so – to pamper your loved one. Hint it to him, and then give him the opportunity to fulfill your desire. And if it works for you, know that it really worked out for you!
Today it will seem to you that what you have been doing together with your loved one for so many days is boring enough, and so you have to come up with something new, gratifying and interesting, and preferably together, so that you can then to rejoice together.
Today, your loved one will be particularly bright and memorable, not only for you, but also for others. You will feel like the half of the real star, and this will flatter you a lot. But it will also scare you, because after all, this is also a certain responsibility…
What to read

A fraction of a second
David Baldacci
Sean King is a Secret Service agent whose career crumbles when, in 1996, the presidential candidate he was guarding is assassinated at a campaign rally. Something distracts Shawn for a split second and he fails to prevent the fatal shot.
Eight years later, he has his own law practice in a small town in North Carolina and wants to forget the past. But it strikes him mercilessly again when he discovers the corpse of a colleague in his office. Ballistics testing proved that his gun was used.
At this difficult moment, two women suddenly burst into his life: Joan Dillinger, a former colleague and lover who now works for a powerful private firm, and Michelle Maxwell, also a failed Secret Service agent. The striking similarity between what happened in the past and what is happening now prompts the three to begin their own investigation, which draws them into a world of anger, betrayal, greed, jealousy and revenge.
A joke
“How old are you, dear?”
– Come on now, ask me how much I weigh, and I’ll know we’re done for good…
Now smile! A wonderful day begins!
#Good #morning #Burgasnews