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Good morning! – Burgasnews – 2024-03-01 22:50:23

A wonderful day begins

Good morning on Saturday 02.03.2024.

The weather

The temperature will be between 6 and 10 degrees. It will be cloudy with brief rain. The wind will be moderate from the northeast at a speed of 6 m/s

Lucky of the day

When we are hurt, people do only what they are capable of under the circumstances.


To say that the past few days have not been easy would be an understatement. They practically supplied you with everyone and everything. Fortunately, now you’ll have plenty of time to isolate yourself from those who have only done things to get on your nerves recently. You have already decided for yourself that you will not allow such a thing anymore. Make the most of it, and don’t hesitate to invite friends to join you.


Even if you’re about to step out of your house even for a second, just to go to the store and buy some bread, you need to look your best. Today, your Fate may meet you unexpectedly, and it will be very insulting if you present yourself in a bad way.


Today you have every chance to make an impression on society. That’s why it’s worth getting busy getting yourself in shape for the event. Well, of course, if you are about to go somewhere… Today you will be accompanied by sudden changes in mood, which cannot but affect your relations with relatives. In general, the situation now is not optimal in financial terms. The dreams you had that night most likely put your intuition to sleep. Rely on the support of acquaintances if you need it. Tonight promises to be fascinating.


This day is quite successful for you. It opens up opportunities that until now you could only dream of.. It may be a chance to get an excellent job, or, maintain an unconditional victory over rivals and competitors, to consolidate your positions in your current place. Keep in mind that now the stars expect you to act, and you will not have time for thoughts and doubts. It is very important not to forget about rest: the day will be quite saturated, and you will be completely exhausted if you do not replenish your energy reserves. Avoid unpleasant conversations, which will have a particularly oppressive effect on you today.


Communicate with people, don’t think too much about material gain. In this way, you have the opportunity to exchange impressions, receive one or another piece of information, and this, within a day, is of great value. This is a wonderful time to buy books and read articles with up-to-date content, as well as intensive exchange of views with like-minded people. An original bold idea, born in a conversation with friends, can quickly become a reality, and in this way, both you and your interlocutors will immediately go from words to deeds.


Today, your loved one will very interestingly tell you about things that are absolutely of no interest to you, and so uninteresting to the extreme that you will even be surprised, realizing that these are things that you can learn something about without disgust. And why your Has your partner ever been a teacher?


Today, try to be as honest as possible with your loved one. Any attempt to hide something will turn out to be a serious problem in the future. Indeed, talking a lot is not always the easiest and most pleasant, but sometimes ease and pleasantness are not the main criteria in choosing the right line of behavior.


Today, your imagination, your dreams, and even your fantasies will be vitally important. Apply your creative approach to the suspicions that have arisen in you lately. Make a few theories about everything that’s going on right now, and you’re all too likely to hit the mark. Later in the day, a conversation with a friend will confirm it. Don’t let the admission of guilt discourage you. Instead, take everything as a sign that your intuition is as unerring as ever.


Relationships with loved ones will please you today. Friends will be happy to help you in any endeavor and will support you. It is likely to resolve a health-related problem that has been bothering you lately. Avoid mistakes with documents so that there is no confusion in the official documentation. Be more careful if you decide to work. There will be complete harmony in relations with close relatives and you can organize family events.


If you value your relationship with someone, or you want to preserve your reputation, do not take any serious steps in the first half of the day. Your courage combined with idealism and self-confidence can lead you astray and lead to the destruction of what you have worked so hard to create. The truth that one should hurry slowly will be very appropriate for the second half of the day. Grind every detail with great care, and then even in the most slippery situation you will be reliably insured against failures.


It seems that the stars in the sky have aligned so that you will find yourself in the center of events. Today, everyone will simply love you, and no one will ask for anything in return. But don’t be too capricious, wanting to take full advantage of the situation…


The day is associated with pleasant family events, and it is also possible to receive good news from distant relatives. Indeed, Piscean parents may become anxious as their children are likely to experience unexpected difficulties. Keep a peaceful mood and believe in your descendants: they will deal with many of the problems themselves. Today you can pamper yourself, and the day promises the fulfillment of some long-standing wishes. Only when communicating with little-known people, you should be extremely careful – there is a risk of saying unnecessary things and thus incurring the anger of others.

What to read

365 more days

Blanka Lipinska

Pregnant Laura is shot. The best doctors in the world are fighting for the young woman’s life. Her husband, a Sicilian mafia don, has to make the most difficult decision of his life. Who should he save – his lover or their unborn child…

What choice will Massimo make? Will his life make sense without Laura? Will he be able to raise their son alone? Millions of questions shake him, and the answers are not comforting. The fate of his family is at stake.

Whose 365 days will we follow in the third part of the saga?

Fasten your seat belts, because “365 More Days” is a real adrenaline experience that will surprise and move you!

A joke

– Doctor, I feel very bad!

– Are you drinking?


– How do you want to feel…

Now smile! A wonderful day begins!

#Good #morning #Burgasnews

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