Good morning on Tuesday 27.02.2024.
The weather
The temperature will be between 5 and 12 degrees. It will be sunny. The wind will be moderate from the east at a speed of 7 m/s.
Lucky of the day
An inner dedication to your own perfection is the stuff of which miracles are made.
The absolute plus of this day is that you are given almost complete freedom of action. You will be able to make decisions independently and implement your plans in life without expecting support and approval from anyone. You should not rely on the latter at all today, as against you will be those who until recently were on your side. And in personal relationships, things will be complicated, and more than once you will have the feeling that a storm is approaching, and not jokingly. Somehow you will manage to smooth out the sharp corners, but further relationships are out of the question.
Be prepared for professional difficulties. The idea that seems extraordinary and brilliant to you will not find support among partners and colleagues. Also, some bold decisions and innovations can earn you a reputation as a “freak” who is not to be trusted when it comes to really serious things. The day is as bad for work as it is good for rest and various entertainments. You will have many opportunities to spend your time pleasantly. Do not refuse an invitation to the theater, cinema or concert.
Today you have every chance to make an impression on society. That’s why it’s worth getting busy getting yourself in shape for the event. Well, of course, if you are about to go somewhere… Today you will be accompanied by sudden changes in mood, which cannot but affect your relations with relatives. In general, the situation now is not optimal in financial terms. The dreams you had that night most likely put your intuition to sleep. Rely on the support of acquaintances if you need it. Tonight promises to be fascinating.
A special delivery awaits you today. It may not surprise you with the originality of its festive packaging, but it is about what you have wanted for a long time. This refers to love, recognition or consent, or as you see fit, to something that has long been. Its appearance will not be dramatic, but by the end of the day you will realize that you have never received anything like it. And that determines whether the day will be good. Is not it like that?
During this day, you will obviously feel like flirting with someone. At the same time, the existence of your permanent loved one will not be an obstacle at all: after all, it is not a question of infidelity, but only a light flirtation – a kind of training of one’s own attractiveness and irresistibility. Let’s hope he understands this!…
The day is very suitable for romantic and business meetings. In relationships, you can be a reliable and sensitive partner who feels the mood of your loved one and strives to make him feel good. New romantic acquaintances are likely, and favorable changes are ahead for existing ones. In business communication, you will be represented by an influential person who will give you not only a lot of knowledge and experience, but also a “shoulder”.
Sometimes changes happen slowly, and it also happens that they look like lightning and turn your whole life upside down in an instant. But all these changes happen only thanks to you, so remember this if suddenly today it seems to you that everything has become too boring. You can change anything you like if you are persistent and brave. When you enter somewhere, make sure that your visit is noticed by everyone – whether through words, actions or appearance.
Today it will seem to you that everything you are doing in your personal life is incorrect, and you should have acted in a completely different way. But before you change anything in your behavior pattern, don’t forget to consult your loved one. It also affects him.
The day is favorable for homework. Today you will be impressionable and absorbed in yourself and your own emotions. You will be able to show your potential at work. You can take on new work, responsibilities and obligations, because everything will be within your power. You can show imagination in everyday work, which will allow you to bring something new. In close relationships, it is recommended to be sensitive and sincere.
Capricorns today are advised by the stars to work more. Or at least try to show so much work activity that they lose the desire to bother you with their problems. Above all, this applies mostly to family members – they will especially actively seek your attention.
You should be very careful today with the common property with your loved one. It is even desirable to do this even more carefully than he does. Any carelessness will become an occasion for reprimands on his part, and this means also for possible quarrels, which you do not need at all now.
The desire of your loved one today to share with you some very important news or secret will be great. But you won’t find it as important, meaningful or overwhelming. Try not to offend your partner with your true attitude to this topic.
What to read

Watch your back!
Jane Fallon
James never intended to lead a double life – with a husband in London and a mistress in the country – it was too exhausting for him. But his life is about to change. Stephanie doesn’t suspect anything until she happens to see a message from an unknown woman on her husband’s phone. And since she already knows, how could she ignore the infidelity? He better find the woman and find out what’s going on.
A joke
All over the world, alcoholism is recognized as a disease. Only with us they ask:
– Why don’t you drink? Are you sick?!
Now smile! A wonderful day begins!
#Good #morning #Burgasnews