Good morning on Tuesday 13.02.2024.
The weather
The temperature will be between 8 and 13 degrees. It will be cloudy. The wind will be weak from the northwest at a speed of 5 m/s.
Lucky of the day
Free yourself from the thought that things shouldn’t be this way. They are like that.
The Orthodox Church celebrates Saint Eulogius and Saint Zoya – St. Evlogius, Archbishop of Alexandria, was pious, devoted to the faith of Christ. He lived during the time of Emperor Heraclius (7th century). The name Evlogi means “good word”, “praise”. It comes from the Greek eu, which means “good”, and logos – “word”. St. Zoya was a martyr who lived in the 3rd century. She was known to have the gift of healing. The name Zoya means “life” (from Greek).
Name day is celebrated by: Eulogi, Eulogius and Zoya
This day will not be so bad for you. New tasks will appear, the solution of which will not only captivate you, but also allow you to discover unexpected talents in yourself. You may find new hobbies or discover an additional source of income. Your circle of communication will expand, but the people striving to be next to you are not as good and selfless as you think. Clarity is needed to avoid unnecessary contacts. You will seem unfriendly to someone, but this is not a big problem. In the evening, your self-esteem may decrease and insomnia is not excluded.
It is proper to know that fate has not prepared great gifts for you. But you should not be upset – there is still a chance to succeed. Get the support of people you trust and focus on things you actually understand and can handle. Now is not the time to experiment and learn new things. Relations with relatives will be complicated, and conflicts with representatives of the older generation are possible. You are too stubborn and do not always listen to the arguments of your opponents. And, by the way, some remarks would be worth listening to…
You are now one hundred percent ready to realize what you set out to do, and your enthusiasm can be passed on to your friends. It is possible that they will start doing something similar to what you have planned, or ask you if they can follow your example. If you could reconsider your plans and readjust to teamwork, that would be great. What could be better than a new way of doing things in the company of old friends?…
Decisive losses are possible, and there is a risk of losing what you hold dear. It is very dangerous to give free rein to your emotions, because they can lead you to a dead end, as well as become the cause of problems and conflicts with those around you. Provocations, which will be plenty today, should not be succumbed under any circumstances. In general, the second half of the day will be better than the first. During this time, you may reconcile with your loved one or an old friend, or talk to your loved ones about what concerns you. But with a light, joyful and optimistic mood, unfortunately, you will not be able to boast.
Today it will be extremely difficult for your loved one to decide on something real, which will fundamentally change your relationship. After all, the need for these changes is ripe, and this is understood by both sides. Try together to decide on the necessary step for your relationship to develop.
Unfortunately, you will not be at the top of your loved one’s priority list today. It is even possible that you are not even in the top ten. Don’t try to put all his other values in the background in order to rise above them. You risk going even lower in the rankings, and forever.
A neutral day from every point of view, except the romantic one, where the influence of positive trends will be felt. Today you will be able to solve many personal problems if you take them seriously and do not leave things to their own devices. In communicating with your loved one, avoid misunderstandings. The more honest you are, the better it will be. It is possible to overcome disagreements with older relatives and old friends who did not approve of some of your actions in the recent past. If you continue to stick to your usual course of action, it will not help you in any way to achieve success. Abstract yourself from everything, and save yourself the confusion and complications.
Today is a wonderful day and suitable for meetings with your loved one, as well as for interesting recreation. When choosing an activity for today, choose something unusual that (if possible) you have never done before. Friendly discussions and events will pass favorably. There may be problems in the family sphere. It will be difficult for you with unclear tasks from your relatives, so clarify what is being asked of you in time…
It happens that it is very difficult to accept the situation as it is. Deep in your soul, a desire arises for everything to be in a different way. But it’s still not worth wasting your time trying to get someone else to change their mind. If you can overcome this desire today, you will feel freer much faster. Now your independence is of particular importance, and it will be very good if you do not burden it with emotional dramas. Enjoy this imperfect situation. This is a gift.
An unexpected notification will make you abandon your plans. Try to show wisdom and endurance by trusting your intuition, and don’t be afraid to stand up for your interests. Your business acumen will be appreciated.
Expect an offer to take on a new job or an unexpected project. Today you will be able to solve important family issues, as well as create favorable conditions for the further development of relationships that play an important role in your life. Make sure your home is nice and cozy. Small things that disrupt your domestic harmony can greatly irritate you.
Help your loved one in his affairs, even if he did not ask you for it. Of course, you should not kick him out of the workplace and fulfill all his duties. But if you suddenly learn such information that would be useful to you (and now the probability of this is too high), you must immediately communicate it to him. They will thank you.
Today, it will seem to you that your boss or superior in office does not mind starting a work romance with you, or at least some fairly close relationship. Think about not only how much you like this person, but also how much you need to mix personal relationships with work ones…
What to read

Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
Robert M. Persig
Robert M. Persig is the author of only two books, but the very first – “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” – when it was released in 1974, became a real bestseller and brought him worldwide fame. At first glance, the plot is simple: a man and his twelve-year-old son embark on a motorcycle trip across America. Gradually, the narrative grows into an exciting odyssey in search of the truth about the essence of being, a modern epic where we discover the fundamental questions and answers about how to live.
The novel, considered by critics to be one of the most significant works of American literature, has been translated into 27 languages and has reached a circulation of 3 million copies.
“There are as many roads as there are souls”
Robert M. Persig
A joke
Grabbing a glass of brandy and hearing two voices in my head. The first says:
– I’ll drink it! I’ll drink it!
And the second:
– Aren’t you deaf?!
Now smile! A wonderful day begins!
#Good #morning #Burgasnews