Good morning on Sunday 11.02.2024.
The weather
The temperature will be between 13 and 18 degrees. It will be cloudy. The wind will be semi-strong from the southwest at a speed of 10 m/s.
Lucky of the day
All your doubts are obstacles that prevent you from entering the realm of true magic.
Vlasovden is celebrated on February 11. It is devoted to the health of draft oxen, cows and sheep. The Christian church holiday is named after the holy martyr Vlasi Sevastiyski, beheaded for Christ in 312, patron of domestic animals.
According to popular belief, the name of the holiday originates from the vlas disease and the wound during its healing, affecting the intestines and stomach of animals. Early in the morning of this day, women distribute warm pies spread with honey or rachel (fruits boiled in grape juice) to their neighbors.
During distribution, the movements of the animals are imitated – moaning, kicking, poking with their horns. From these actions comes the name of this holiday in some regions of the country – Mukovden. From the prepared loaves, it is added to the animals’ food or, after smoking, they are placed in the barn on their horns, before they are taken to the watering hole.
Some prohibitions are also associated with the day of the holiday. Bread is not kneaded, so that the flour does not become “hairy”, oxen are not yoked, work is avoided and the shepherds strictly observe the holiday, so that the lambs that are born are not “hairy” – with rough fur.
Today you will expect from your loved one certain actions, decisive actions or, on the contrary, indecisive silence. And if he does not live up to your expectations, you will be so offended and disappointed, although he will not have any fault for this.
A surge of positivity awaits you today, in the form of laughter and applause. Now you are the star in someone’s life. In the unusual situation related to communication, you have to go the whole length of the stage, and demonstrate their best performance. Someone is looking for an intriguing influence or inspiration, and you might be the perfect candidate. You feel waves of confident energy, and all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place.
Are you ready to shake off your experiences and prepare for a journey? If your answer is yes, that’s just great, because after recent events, you’ve earned it. That doesn’t mean you should jump at every opportunity for adventure, especially if you have work to do before you leave. But you should know that it will be good for everyone if you discard all doubts and unjustified feelings of guilt. Stop beating yourself up and keep moving forward.
Slowly step away from your purse! Your desire to equip yourself with that much-desired “gadget” or indulge in “shop therapy” will take on a large scale today, so stay away from cash and credit cards. Instead of walking down the high street, stay put. Turn off the computer and do not be tempted by the sales on the Internet, but take a book and immerse yourself in a foreign reality for a long time.
The day is good for meditation and insights. Relationships in the family and on the love front are harmonious. Excellent self-confidence (and possibly mood) will bring you success in financial matters. You may find a practical application of your inspiration.
It will take some time to learn something new, so don’t be impatient. Every time you learn something new, you practically face new obstacles. This may cool your ardour, although there is nothing unusual about this situation.
Just keep acting and learning. Very soon everything will go much easier. You move forward at your own pace and should not compare your successes to how quickly others achieve the same. Concentrate on what is yet to be done.
The actions of Virgos will attract attention and the representatives of this sign will be the most talked about personalities of the day. This may annoy you a lot, since you had absolutely no intention of becoming the subject of gossip, but you will hardly be able to influence the situation, so just behave with dignity and try not to badmouth yourself.
It wouldn’t hurt to get to know those who want it: bright personalities always arouse interest. Unfortunately, the probability of meeting an ally, a like-minded person, and even just an interesting person is not very high. Better prefer communication with old acquaintances.
If at the beginning of the day there is a very complicated, messy and half-failed project that no one wants to tackle, only you would be able to handle it. Why? Well, why do you masterfully cope with all difficulties. You love to solve complex tasks and you never say “never” and “impossible”. Feel free to get to work!
Not all the undertakings of your loved one today will be fruitful, interesting and useful for your joint future. Try to do everything possible not to upset him in any case and not to prevent him from making new plans.
You are extremely inconsistent in your actions, but this does not prevent you at all – first: having a good time; and second: to achieve some of the goals you set for yourself. Thanks to your exceptional observation, you will notice those chances and opportunities that the people around you have not taken advantage of, and as a result you will be far ahead of your competitors. Rumors spread by your long-time detractors pose a certain danger to you. False information spreads with unexpected speed, and it will take a lot of effort to refute it.
You go about your work in your own conscious and disciplined manner, and at this point your thoroughness and pragmatism only grow. To be honest, you are so diligent that working without a break, you can easily miss the opportunity for pleasant communication – of course, in a romantic sense. Take a break from work and projects from time to time to appreciate the people around you.
Communication problems may arise today – some people from your environment will be aggressive towards you, and your actions will be discussed and criticized. Try to be gentler with the detractors, especially since the communication situation will calm down in the evening. At work, delays in negotiations and problems with foreign partners are likely.
To change the past is impossible, so you have to accept it and get used to it. What you did (or didn’t do) will fade in time, and that means it’s time to look forward and leave all the bad memories behind. While you wait for all the negative emotions to subside, your patience will help you overcome the most difficult, and the people who love you will distract you from inappropriate thoughts in the best way. Meet up with friends and keep reminding yourself that you have a wonderful future ahead of you.
What to read

The hundred-year-old man who jumped out of the window and disappeared
Yunas Yunason
After a long and eventful life, Alan Carlson finds himself in a nursing home, which he considers his last stop on earth. The only problem is that good health does not leave him, and death does not hurry. On his hundredth birthday, the birthday boy decides to escape through the window of his room to escape the grand celebration. In house slippers and without a plan of action, Alan embarks on an unexpected and for himself escape, filled with countless incredible adventures. A spontaneous theft of a suitcase owned by a criminal organization meets him with colorful friends who readily join him.
Alan Carlson will go back in time and meet personally with the most famous political figures on the globe – from Franco to Stalin and from Truman to de Gaulle – and everywhere he will end up with something “useful”, influencing the most important world events.
A joke
My wife got mad that I didn’t like her cooking.
And in order not to offend her, I cut another piece of soup…
Now smile! A wonderful day begins!
#Good #morning #Burgasnews