Good morning on Monday 09.10.2023.
The temperature will be between 9 and 16 degrees. It will be sunny. The wind will be weak from the northwest at a speed of 5 m/s.
Lucky of the day
“Challenges make life interesting, and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” Joshua J. Marin
Today, October 9, is a name day celebrated by people bearing the name Avram. On this day, the church honors the Old Testament patriarch Abraham. He is the progenitor of the people, chosen by God to preserve the True Faith, and with whom He made a covenant (Gen. 11:26). The most important episodes of Sacred History that are related to Abraham are: – the appearance of three angels in Sodom and – the sacrifice of Isaac, Abraham’s son – one of the types of the New Testament sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Abram (Abraham and Abraham) are biblical names that originate in Hebrew and mean “father of many” (אבְרָהָם – Avraham – abram ‘father’ and hamon ‘many’). In the Bible, Abraham (Abraham) is the progenitor of the Arabs and the Israelites. The Arabic equivalent of the name is Ibrahim.
- UN – World Post Day
- Day of Ancient Culture
Today, it will be quite difficult for your loved one to understand what you want to tell him, and none of your arguments will have the necessary impact. Therefore, try not to appeal to his reason, but to his feelings: they will be more receptive to your words.
You find yourself in an unenviable position: your efforts go to waste, and your efforts turn out to be in vain. The problem is that you have not done the right thing. The sooner you realize and switch to something else, the better. An interesting offer will be made by a person with whom you have previously worked. Keep in mind that the relationship will develop as before, regardless of the changes that have happened to you in the meantime. It is very important to keep trust in your loved one, so you should refrain from ambiguous statements and misunderstandings, and even more so from lying in all its manifestations. Both at work and in personal relationships, transparency is necessary.
Now is not the time to be lazy. Work hard. Today you can achieve not only an increase in your authority and expansion of the sphere of influence, but also an increase in salary. The day is suitable for advertising events and PR actions. If you intend to go to an interview, try to turn it into a bright self-presentation. The emotional background is favorable. This makes the representatives of the sign very attractive..
Good day for short trips (except morning hours). At that time, you will be able to freely communicate with the people around you, and on different topics. But try not to leave the business tone and carefully argue your positions. It will be useful to discuss the details of this or that work. It is likely to be a successful check or form of documents. You will easily cope with any current task, especially if you do not look into the distant future. The contact with the child or the loved one will bring you many pleasant moments.
A rather complicated day is shaping up. Even if you have planned important things, you will see an uphill battle! The situation will not develop as you expected, and this will force you to take into account the changing circumstances and make adjustments, and the search for a common language with unsympathetic individuals. By the way, pleasant surprises are not excluded. Interesting meetings and receiving gifts are likely. Although serious problems in romantic relationships are unlikely, you should be careful in what you say, so that it does not turn out that your loved one is offended…
Today you will have to bear responsibility not only for your loved one, but also for someone else who carelessly, unexpectedly or deliberately fell in love with you. It will not be an easy task to convince him that you do not need his love at all! But it will be necessary…
Today, at last, you will find an answer to that question that has been bothering you for quite a long time. Indeed, you will have to put in a lot of effort, but in most cases, the process of satisfying curiosity in most cases goes through a lot of vicissitudes.
Today it will be a little difficult and unpleasant for you that whatever you do will not turn out as it was actually intended, or at least it will to some extent. Perhaps you will give up on precise planning and leave yourself to the will of fate? Or maybe your loved one’s sanity – that can help too…
Today, it will be difficult to express your feelings freely, as well as to develop your natural creative abilities. Your main task will not be to conquer new peaks, but to confirm an already made request. The stars claim that victory (or another positive result) is possible, but for this purpose obstacles will have to be overcome. The obtained result may turn out to be significantly lower than expected. In order not to be left at a loss, do not waste your attention on trifles and concentrate on the main thing, immediately properly organizing the projects that interest you.
Orders and various purchases will repeatedly be a temptation for you today. Use your critical eye to ignore sale ads and get around without feeling sorry for your feet. Postponing gratification immediately will save you a lot of time in the end. Your anxiety about money will dissipate as soon as you realize that there is nothing you can do at the moment. Accept the situation as it is and stay out of trouble for quite a long time.
Something is about to happen, and you know it very well. It is possible that it is high time to schedule a meeting with the person you have been sighing for a long time and to clarify whether you are both ready to take your relationship to a new level. The last offer you made is quite possible to be accepted. Or that your application has been received and approved… Make sure you are ready for a big surprise in your life. Don’t take on too many obligations as very soon you won’t be the master of your own time….
Your day is suitable for solving material issues. In the first half of it, your income will be limited, and there may be problems with payments, but this will be resolved sometime in the late afternoon. During the day, your work will be productive and you will spend more time on your duties. The evening is suitable for intellectual work, as well as for negotiations. Physical exercises and sports activities are beneficial.
What to read

Sherlock Holmes – The Redhead Club
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Redhead Club is looking for a new member. The work is light, the salary for the position occupied is as much as four pounds a week. Any red-haired male who is over the age of 21 and in good health is eligible to apply for the position.
After Jabes Wilson loses his well-paid position at the Redhead Club, he turns to Holmes to find out what happened. It all starts as a simple investigation, but turns into a real midnight police action as Holmes tries to prevent a shocking crime.
A joke
– Are you into haircuts?
– No, I came to read this Eva magazine from 2012.
Now smile! A wonderful day begins!