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Good Friday Processions in Alicante: Schedule and Route Guide for Holy Week 2023

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Good Friday in Alicante: Schedule and route of the processions in the provinceAlex Dominguez

He Holy Friday It is a very important day within the celebration of Holy Week in our country. This day commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus.



In the province of Alicante there are many brotherhoods and brotherhoods that procession to commemorate this day. We review the processions, schedules and routes in Alicante, Elche, Orihuela and Torrevieja.

Good Friday in Alicante

  • BROTHERHOOD OF THE JUDGMENT OF JESUS. The Good Shepherd Parish (Dr. Ayela) 10:30 am

Itinerary: Good Shepherd Parish, Dr. Gómez Ulla, Vázquez de Mella, C. de la Fábrica, C. de la Fábrica, Plaza Hospital Viejo, Plaza Santa Teresa, Plaza España, Calderón de la Barca, Avda. Alfonso X el Sabio (crossing ), Rambla Méndez Núñez, Venia (1:10 p.m.), Rambla, Rafael Altamira, Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

  • MATER DESOLATA PENITENTIAL BROTHERHOOD. San José de Carolinas Parish. 5:40 p.m.

Itinerary: San José de Carolinas Church, Monforte del Cid, Garbinet, Jaime Segarra, Pío XII, Suárez Llano, Torres Quevedo, C. de la Fábrica, Pl. Misericordia, Pozo, Díaz Moreu, Concepción, Avda. Alfonso X el Sabio, Tomás López Torregrosa, Rambla, Venia (9:40 p.m.), Mayor, Muñoz, Plaza Abad Penalva.

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Mater Desolata Penitential BrotherhoodAlex Dominguez


  • BROTHERHOOD OF THE HOLY SEPULCHER. YES Co-Cathedral San Nicolás de Bari. 8:30 p.m.

Itinerary: YES San Nicolás de Bari Co-Cathedral, San Cristóbal Square, General Primo de Rivera, Avda. Alfonso X el Sabio, Tomás López Torregrosa, Rambla, Venia (10:05 p.m.), Mayor, Muñoz, Abad Penalva Square, YES San Nicolás de Bari Co-Cathedral.


Itinerary: Basilica Santa María, Villavieja, Mayor Plaza Santísima, Faz, Mayor, Plaza Abad Penalva, Plaza San Cristóbal, General Primo de Rivera, Avda. Alfonso X el Sabio, Tomás López Torregrosa, Rambla, Venia (10:30 p.m.), Plaza Santísima Faz, Mayor, Villavieja, Basilica Santa Maria.

Good Friday in Elche


Salida Salesian Schools of San Rafael 01:00 a.m., Velázquez 02:25 a.m., Hospital 03:20 a.m., Sant Miquel 04:20 a.m., Entrance 05:00 a.m.

Itinerary: Porta de la Morera, Hort de Manxón, Antonio Sansano Fenoll, Velázquez, Daoiz, D. José Ramos, Almórida, Hospital, Troneta, Sant Isidre, Sant Miquel, Solars, Plaza de el Salvador, in the parish of El Salvador.


Salida Basilica of Santa María 05.45 a.m., Almórida 06.30 a.m., P. Baix 07.00 a.m., Sta. Isabel 07.45h, Entrance 08.20h

Itinerary: Plaza del Congrés Eucharistic, Uberna, Capità Lagier, Pont dels Ortissos, Plaza de la Constitucion, Almórida, Hospital, Troneta, Marededéu dels Desamparats, Plaza de Baix, Corredora, Bisbe Tormo, Plaza de Santa Isabel, Fira, Plaza Santa María a the Basilica of Santa Maria.


Salida Parish of San José 07:00 a.m., Pont de Sta. Teresa 07:30 a.m., Major de La Vila 07:50 a.m., Entrance 08:20 a.m.

Itinerary: Parish of San José, Plaza dels Reis Católicos, Santa Anna, Puente de la Virgen, Alfonso XII, Mayor of the Town, Fair at the Basilica of Sta. Maria about 08:15 hours.


4:00 p.m. – EXHIBITION OF THRONES participants in the general procession.


Itinerary: Plaça del Congés Eucharistic, Uberna, Plaça de la Mercé, Capitá Lagier, Pont dels Ortissos, Corredora, Plaça de Baix, Alfons XII, Plaça Menéndez Pelayo, Mayor de la Vila, Plaça del Palau, where the procession will end, except for the Cofradía of El Lavatorio, the Brotherhood of Mayor Dolor, the confraternity of Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno and the Brotherhood of Santísimo Cristo de la Reconciliación, which will continue along calle Fira to the Basilica of Santa María. The Cofradía del Lavatorio will enter through the Puerta del Sol.

When the Virgen de los Dolores arrives at Plaça de Baix, it will take place “BREAK THE SCRIPT”. (about 11:00 p.m.). Once the act is over, the Brotherhood of Knights of the Holy Sepulcher and the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Sorrows will continue through the streets Alfons XII, Plaça de Menéndez Pelayo, Major de la Vila, Fira to the Basilica of Santa María.

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Trencà del Guío 2022INFORMATION



At the arrival of the Virgen de los Dolores in the Plaça de Baix, the BREAK FROM THE SCRIPTby the triplet formed by Mr. Héctor Poveda Campello, as trencaor, Mr. Javier Poveda Campello and Mr. José Manuel Hernández Ortega as accompanists, presided over by the Junta Mayor de Cofradías y Hermandades and the Iltmo. Mr. Episcopal vicar of the area and local authorities.

Once the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher enters the Basilica of Santa María, a prayer will be said and then the return of the RECYCENT CHRIST in the Parish of San José. It will leave through the Puerta del Sol and continue through the streets Fira, Mayor de la Vila, Plaza de Menéndez Pelayo, Alfonso XII, Pont de Santa Teresa, Santa Anna, Plaza dels Reis Catolicos in the parish of San José.

Similarly, once the General Procession is overTHE VIRGIN OF SORROWS he will start his return from the Basilica of Santa María to the parish of El Salvador, following the following itinerary: Plaza del Congrés Eucharistic, Uberna, Plaza Santa Isabel, Bisbe Tormo, Corredora, Aureliá Ibarra, Salvador to the parish of El Salvador.

Good Friday in Orihuela

1:00 am – Procession of the Penitential Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament Christ of the Good Death. It is the youngest procession of Holy Week in Orihuela and it is the only one that has a Penance Station.

  • Imagery: Santísimo Cristo de la Buena Muerte (1940) from the José Capuz school. Blessed Mary of Bitterness (2020) by Víctor García Villalgordo.
  • Route: University of Santo Domingo (The procession begins inside the cloisters of the historic university –part of the procession closed to the public-) • C/ Adolfo Clavarana • Paseo Calvo Sotelo • C/ Alfonso XIII • Plaza Marqués de Rafal (Penance Station ) • Teniente Linares Square • Mayor Street • Poniente Bridge • Río Street • Salesas Square • Santa Justa Street • Doctor Sarget Street • Santa Lucía Square • Adolfo Clavarana Street • Santo Domingo Church.

6:45 pm –General Processionorganized by the Mayor Board of Brotherhoods, Brotherhoods and Stewardships. All the steps that have already paraded throughout the week (with the exception of those of the Brotherhood of Silence and of the Christ of the Good Death) participate in it in order of Passion and Death. The Standard Bearer of the Junta Mayor opens it. At the end, the Century escorts the Patron to the door of the Town Hall, where he will say goodbye to his people until the first Friday of Lent of the following year.

  • Route: Sanctuary of Our Lady of Monserrate • Hospital Street • Marqués de Arneva Street • Santa Justa Street • López Pozas Street • Poniente Bridge • Cubero Square • Nueva Square • Almunia Street • San Agustín Street • España Avenue • C/ Calderón de la Barca • C/ Loazes • C/ Alfonso XIII • C/ Ballesteros Villanueva • Church-Museum of Our Lady of Mercy.

Good Friday in Torrevieja

He Holy Fridayfrom 7:30 p.m., the Solemn and Magna is celebrated in Torrevieja procession of the Holy Burial of Christ. It will begin in the Arciprestal parish of the Immaculate Conception and the following brotherhoods will participate in it:

  • Brotherhood of the Most Holy Vera-Cruz of the Convocation and Our Father Jesus in Samaria.

  • Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus in the Last and Holy Supper and Holy Mary of Victory

  • Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus in the Oración del Huerto de los Olivos.

  • Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of the Flagellation, Most Holy Virgin of the Star, Queen of the Angels, and San Judas Tadeo.

  • Brotherhood of San Pedro Repentant.

  • Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus Captive – Nazarene.

  • Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus of Health.

  • Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus of the Fall.

  • Brotherhood of the Holy Woman Veronica.

  • Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus Triumphant and Our Lady of Hope and Peace.

  • Brotherhood of the Crucified Christ and Holy Mary of Silence.

  • Brotherhood of Our Lady of Mercy.

  • Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher – Lying.

  • Brotherhood of Saint John the Evangelist.

  • Brotherhood of Our Lady of Sorrows.

Itinerary: Plaza de la Constitución, Caballero de Rodas, Patricio Pérez, Ramón Gallud, Zoa, Ulpiano, Moriones, Caballero de Rodas up to the Arciprestal Temple

#Good #Friday #Alicante #Schedule #route #processions #province

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