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Good Friday and Easter explained via live stream

Enschede – What is Good Friday about? And what is the meaning of Easter? Everyone can get the answers to these questions during two online church services of Stadskerk de Connection.

The City Church of the Connection from Enschede provides a live stream on Good Friday and Easter Sunday: an online church service that can be followed via YouTube. Because of the corona measures, interested parties cannot just walk into the Stadskerk de Connection building, but everyone can experience the special celebrations thanks to the professional live stream of the Enschede municipality.

On Good Friday, April 2, the story of Jesus’ death is told. What preceded that? How did he die? And what does his death mean to us, almost two thousand years later?

On Easter Sunday, April 4, the story of Friday will be continued. For on the third day after his death, Jesus came to life again. But what can we still do with this fact today?

The online church services are supported with appropriate music, made by talented musicians. The speaker in both services is the preacher of the city church, Arjen de Groot.

The service on Good Friday (April 2) starts at 8 p.m.

The service on Easter Monday (April 4) starts at 10:00 AM.

Both services can be followed on YouTube. Go to www.youtube.com and search for ‘Stadskerk de Connection’.

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