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‘Good conversation’, but parties remain silent about follow-up formation after an informateur’s visit

Five of the six parties still involved have been to Hamer’s informant today, and they are all silent about how to proceed. “The informateur has spoken to us about possible next steps,” said D66 leader Kaag, who was the first to turn. “And she will do that to everyone.”

It is not known whether she did that with the VVD, because Rutte only said after his conversation: “I can’t say anything about it”. CDA leader Hoekstra spoke of a “good conversation” with Hamer. “But for the sake of the process, I can’t share anything about it.”

What has inevitably been overlooked in the Stadtholders’ Chamber at the Binnenhof today is the cooperation on the left. The announcement by GroenLinks and PvdA to form a joint negotiating team with one package of wishes led last week to commotion, but not to a breakthrough for the time being.

Fixed duo

The VVD has not wanted to be in a cabinet with GroenLinks and PvdA for months, and still does not want it after the announcement. The second winner of the elections, D66, wants it. PvdA leader Ploumen repeated today that GroenLinks leader Klaver and she are a regular duo. “There have been some attempts to break us up, but they have failed.”

The two were today, just like last week, visiting Hamer together. Klaver emphasized once again that five months after the elections it is time to come up with solutions for the country. “We have indicated in here what we are prepared to do with the formation.”

Saturday members meetings

Next Saturday, the GroenLinks top and that of the PvdA will speak with their respective members about the formation and left-wing cooperation. There is a difference: the PvdA members can submit proposals and then vote on them, the GroenLinks meeting is only to answer questions “and continue the conversation”.

The sixth party, which, although undesirable by D66, is still in the formation, is the ChristenUnie. Today party leader Segers was not on Hamer’s list, but tomorrow he will be the first. The ChristenUnie leader is expected at 11 a.m.

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