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Good, beautiful and (relatively) cheap restaurants, according to the Michelin Guide

To speak of the Michelin Guide is to speak of its famous stars, perhaps the most prestigious and internationally known gastronomic distinction. In Spain, for example, according to the latest edition of the guide, we have 203 restaurants awarded with one star (that is, places where they offer ‘a cuisine of great finesse where it pays to stop’); 38 restaurants with two stars (‘exceptional cuisine, worth a detour’) and 11 restaurants with three stars (‘a unique kitchen, the table justifies the trip).

This was announced last month at the presentation gala of the ‘Michelin Guide Spain & Portugal 2021’, held for the first time in digital format due to the health crisis. One night where the most outstanding news was the second star obtained by three large establishments in our country: Culler de Pau (Pontevedra); Cinc Sentits (Barcelona) and Bo. Tic (Girona).

However, what is perhaps not so popularly known outside of gastronomic circles is that the guide also includes other distinctions beyond the stars. It is the case of the seal ‘Bib Gourmand’, that inspectors assign to establishments where it is served good cuisine at reasonable prices (can be eaten for about 35 euros).

The first time the French Guide used this category, represented with the famous drink (Michelin doll) lickingIt was in 1997. Something similar already existed before; Since 1955, some restaurants have been displayed with a red R, indicating to readers that good value cuisine is served there.

cuckoo bread

But it was not until the appearance of the ‘Bib Gourmand’ symbol that this category became better known and with greater repercussion for restaurants that can ‘wear it’. In the case of Spain there are 300 they bear this seal; only in the new 2021 Guide we find 47 news. Restaurants often captained by young chefs but with a long and brilliant professional career, trained in large houses. They all agree on the enormous value of having been awarded the ‘Bib Gourmand’, especially in times where the hospitality industry needs more support than ever.

“In such a tough year for all of us, receiving this award helps us to think optimistically about the future”, they assured for example from Kimtxu, Great Bilbao restaurant with fusion cuisine, and one of the winners of this distinction in 2021.


In Santander Cuco Bread, another of the winners of the ‘Bib Gourmand’ this year, delved into the same idea: “Grateful, happy and proud to receive this recognition, especially in this rare and difficult year for everyone,” they pointed out. Meanwhile, the chefs from Madrid five Carlos Griffo and Miguel Ángel García, defined the award as a great ‘injection of energy’. Just a few examples of the great importance that chefs attach to this seal (among other reasons, because sometimes it is a ‘prelude’ to obtaining a first star).

For lovers of good food too, the award of the ‘Bib Gourmand’ is also good news, as it offers Very interesting tips when it comes to reserving a table in a restaurant where you eat very well, without leaving your wallet behind in the process.


It is true that in these times, where the ‘Abrecierra’ of the hospitality industry is permanentIt is not easy to make plans to go out to eat: each Autonomous Community has its own restrictions in this regard, and they also vary almost from week to week. Don’t hinder, if you are already doing your wish list with all those restaurants where you would like to reserve a table (now or when possible), do not lose sight of this address relationship. These are the 47 places that, according to Michelin, have earned this year the right to ‘sneak’ onto the ‘Bib Gourmand’ list of restaurants:


-Agorregi (Donostia / San Sebastián)
-Arrocería Maribel (El Palmar, Valencia)
-Berbena (Barcelona)
-Brots (Poboleda, Tarragona)
-Cachetero (Logroño)
-Cadelo (Santander)
-Ca L’Amagat (Bagà, Barcelona)
-Cal Xirrició (Balaguer, Lleida)
-Can ‘Boqueta (Sóller, Mallorca)
-Casa Albets (Lladurs, Lleida)
-Carmen (Binéfar, Huesca)
-Casa Arcas (Villanova, Huesca)
-Casa Farpón (Pola de Lena, Asturias)
-Casa Toni (San Vicente de la Sonsierra, La Rioja)
-Password (Cádiz)
-Coscolo (Castrillo de los Polvazares, León)
-Daría (Santander)
-Two Chefs (Mataró, Barcelona)
-Dromo (Badajoz)
-The one of Alberto A Coruña
-El Mercáo (Iruña, Pamplona)
-The Origin (Huesca)
-El Racó (Sant Climent de Llobregat, Barcelona)
-The Cookbook (Gijón)
-Es Terral (Santa Eulària des Riu, Ibiza)
-Farragua (Gijón)
-Garbí (Castellar del Vallés, Barcelona)
-Kimtxu (Bilbao)
-The School (Bilbao)
-La Lechería (Val de San Lorenzo, León)
-Lamadrid (Colmenar Viejo, Madrid)
-La Mundana (Barcelona)
-La Vasca (Miranda de Ebro, Burgos)
-Momá Peixe (Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña)
-Meseguer (Alcañiz, Teruel)
-Miceli (Selva, Mallorca)
-Ó Fragón (Fisterra, A Coruña)
-O Tobo do Lobo (Melide, A Coruña)
-Pan de Cuco (Suesa, Cantabria)
-Quinqué (Madrid)
-Roc’n’Cris (Aubèrt, Lleida)
-Salazogue (Oviedo)
-Terra (Palencia)
-Terra Olea (Córdoba)
-Land (A Coruña)
-Yoko Barbate (Barbate, Cádiz)
-Zabala (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava)

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