Home » today » News » Gonzalo Caballero highlights the work of the municipalities against the “inaction” of the Xunta de Galicia | Radio Coruña

Gonzalo Caballero highlights the work of the municipalities against the “inaction” of the Xunta de Galicia | Radio Coruña

The candidate for Xunta for PSdeG, Gonzalo Caballero, has visited A Coruña today within the round that it has been carrying out with the socialist mayors of Galicia. Both Caballero and the mayor, Inés Rey, have highlighted the commitment to social policies promoted by the councils In front of one Xunta de Galicia which, they consider, has “inhibited” from their responsibilities.

Caballero congratulated the mayor for the management carried out during the coronavirus pandemic and has confronted the good work of the local government in the face of a Xunta de Galicia.

For Gentleman has not risen to the occasion, puts Inés Rey as an example of management: “The mayoress of A Coruña knows how to govern for the majority, thinking of the people and the people, and for her part, Feijóo was ubiquitous in the media, but absent to take action in this crisis.”

The mayor, Ines Rey, hopes that after July 12 the Xunta de Galicia will have, like the Coruña consistory and the central government, a progressive orientation. Rey has criticized the “cuts” promoted by the Popular Party during the years of Feijoo’s government and its absence amid the industrial crisis of Alu Iberica: “The leg we have left and the regional government, which has never thought about welfare measures, which has only retreated, which is inhibited from its functions as the industrial conflict of Alu Ibérica.”

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