Home » today » News » González Urrutia doesn’t signal an settlement to acknowledge outcomes – 2024-06-27 04:46:27

González Urrutia doesn’t signal an settlement to acknowledge outcomes – 2024-06-27 04:46:27

Presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia participates in a political occasion this Thursday in Caracas (Venezuela). The presidential candidate of the principle opposition coalition in Venezuela – the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) -, Edmundo González Urrutia, assured this Thursday that, if he wins the elections on July 28, his dedication is to realize reconciliation between the Venezuelans. EFE/ Miguel Gutierrez

9 of the ten candidates for the July 28 presidential elections in Venezuelatogether with the president Nicolas Maduro and excepting the opponent Edmundo González Urrutiasigned this Thursday, earlier than the Nationwide Electoral Council (CNE)an settlement that obliges them to acknowledge the consequence that the governing physique of the elections broadcasts after the votes are counted, with out leaving room for potential claims.

Moreover, the doc proposed by Chavismo and made official by the CNE – which was signed by all candidates aside from González Urrutia, candidate of the bulk opposition coalition – contemplates specific recognition of the work of the CNE in the course of the electoral course of, in compliance with the established schedule. .

It additionally displays the dedication to keep up a “local weather of respect, peace and democratic participation”, in order that, on election day and the times that observe, “the need of the individuals of Venezuela just isn’t interfered with or ignored with acts of violence and destabilization that threaten the the well-being of the nation. EFE (I)

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