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González Barba informs the Campo de Gibraltar of the negotiations of the Gibraltar treaty

The president of the Commonwealth of Municipalities of Campo de Gibraltar, Juan Lozano, has held a meeting with the Secretary of State for the European Union, Juan González-Barba.

During that meeting, González-Barba informed Lozano about the status of the negotiation of the Gibraltar Treaty, as well as the recent visit of the Vice-President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for the Energy Union, Maroš Šefčovič.

Through the social network Twitter, Lozano thanked González-Barba for his “spirit” and the “effort you make” to bring these negotiations to a successful conclusion.

As will be recalled, after the New Year’s Eve pre-agreement between the United Kingdom and Spain in relation to Gibraltar, there is an open period of six months to formalize a treaty with the European Union that defines, among other aspects, the way in which Gibraltar is integrated into the Schengen area after the consummation of Brexit.

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