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Gommers about concerns about pressure on ICs: Relaxation will not lead to peak | NOW

The coming relaxation of the corona measures will not result in a peak in the number of intensive care admissions because vaccination is now really on track, says doctor and foreman of the Dutch Association for Intensive Care (NVIC) Diederik Gommers against the ANP. The current pressure on intensive care units (ICs) is, according to the IC doctor, the result of less compliance with the current corona measures.

On Saturday, a group of intensivists from Brabant hospitals wrote in a letter to the Ministry of Health that “the Dutch population does not seem to realize how close we are at the moment when the limit of our IC capacity is reached”.

Gommers understands that people are concerned about the situation in hospitals, but emphasizes that the current pressure on ICs “has nothing to do with the easing”.

The fact that the ICs are now so full is a consequence of our behavior three weeks ago, according to the IC doctor. “The weather was good at the beginning of April, everyone was close together in the parks. You can now see that in the hospital figures.” In addition, people are currently not taking it so closely with a number of corona measures, such as the visitors’ scheme. “We do not expect that behavior will change much as a result of these easing.”

‘Realize that it is still very difficult in hospitals’

The disadvantage of opening the terraces and letting go of the curfew, according to Gommers, is that people may think that the crisis is already over and that they are even less likely to adhere to the basic rules. “That is dangerous. We have already partly stopped the critically planned care, operations that are necessary within six weeks. You cannot do that for very long. That is why I keep saying: realize that in hospitals it is still very is difficult. “

What should ultimately help us out of the crisis is vaccination, says Gommers. “We are vaccinating like crazy at the moment. That is the key. If something goes wrong with the vaccination in the coming weeks, we will have a big problem.”

The Ministry of Health also understands the concerns of the Brabant intensivists. “The situation in hospitals has our full attention. We are in constant conversation with the hospital employees and the National Acute Care Network (LNAZ) and hear the signals loud and clear,” said a spokesperson.

“At the same time, there is also a loud call for perspective from society. The cabinet therefore always makes broad social considerations in its decision-making, and that was the reason for taking a cautious first step as of April 28. follow the forecasts closely. “

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