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Gomita, why she prefers to get pregnant through in vitro fertilization and be a single mother | NNDA NNLT | FAMA

Aracely Ordaz, popularly known as “Gomita”has been the center of media attention for her revelation about her desire to become a single mother through in vitro fertilization. The influencer, who has gained notoriety for her presence on social media and her participation in various television programs, has decided to share with her followers the details of her desire to start a family without a paternal figure present.

Gomita’s decision to opt for in vitro fertilisation has generated a great deal of speculation and opinion from both her supporters and detractors. In a context where motherhood and family structures are often burdened with traditional expectations and norms, her choice has challenged conventions and opened a debate about the personal reasons that led her to make this decision.


Gomita, who has been known for her outgoing character and media lifestyle, turned to to share her experience and feelings about her desire to be a mother. The influencer explained that her intention to become a single mother through in vitro fertilization has been an idea she has had in mind for a long time, and that she did not want her future child to have a father figure in their life.

In one of her most recent videos, she revealed that her desire to become a mother through in vitro fertilization is deeply rooted in her personal experiences and her vision of family. “Before I got into the project, the reality show I’m on, I spoke to my family and told them that I was really looking forward to being an in vitro mother. I didn’t want my baby to have a father. Before that… I got an IUD because I had a partner, so I just wanted to start a family in vitro. I’ve always had that in my head.”he explained.

Despite her clear intentions and firm decision, the process has not been easy. The influencer experienced a period of uncertainty when, after three months without her period appearing, she anxiously awaited a pregnancy test that came back negative. In an emotional statement, she shared that the negative news was a hard blow for her. “Not being able to get pregnant weighs on me a little, it hurts me and I think I have the financial means to support a baby. I would love to share it with someone because the truth is that I have not had good relationships, I have not been very good at choosing, but I know that I have a lot of love to give and I am tired of giving it to the wrong people.”he confessed.

In addition to dealing with her personal grief, she has faced criticism and negative comments about her decision to use in vitro fertilization. Some detractors have suggested that her decision could be a strategy to increase visits to an idea that the influencer has flatly rejected. “I feel bad when they say ‘he only wants visitors’ but they don’t know the context. I have a lump in my throat because I don’t want to cry inconsolably.”he said with a broken voice

Gomita’s desire to start a family through in vitro fertilization is also related to her personal history and family experiences. In her statements, the influencer has mentioned that her decision is influenced by her parents’ relationship. “I think what has led me to make this decision is what I have been through with my father. For me it will be a little complicated to have that partner as such, because I would not like to go through exactly the same thing that my parents went through in their relationship.”Gomita explained.


The emotional and personal context that has led Gomita to choose this path is a fundamental aspect to understand her decision. The influencer has expressed that her experience with her parents and her previous relationships have shaped her perspective on motherhood and the father figure. For her, the desire to form a family without a father figure is not only a personal choice, but also a way to avoid the conflicts and problems she has observed in her family environment.

“Gomita” has also noted that her decision to become a single mother is not an outright rejection of the father figure, but rather a choice based on her perception of what would be best for her future child. Her focus is on providing a loving and stable environment, despite the absence of a father. This perspective underlines her commitment to the emotional and psychological well-being of her child.

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