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Gómez Palacio will ask for a loan of 50 million pesos

Payment. To date, almost 70 percent of the 60 million pesos that the municipal government requires to pay the Christmas bonuses is already available.

In a session of the Cabildo, the members of the highest municipal governing body of Gómez Palacio unanimously approved the request of the Municipal Treasury to proceed with the initiation of the necessary procedures to apply for a conditional credit line of up to 50 million pesos, before to the bank that is best suited to the Municipal Administration.

Another opinion presented by the Municipal Treasury and Assets Commission, which also had the approval of all the members of the Plenary, was the extension, until December 23, 2022, of the 100 percent remission of the fines and property surcharges, applicable to those who arrive within said term to regularize their situation with the Municipal Treasury.

At the end of the session and in a subsequent interview with the media, the head of finance of gomezpalatinas, Carlos García González, explained that the authorization of the conditional credit process does not imply that a loan will be requested to meet the financial commitments of the Municipality for the end of the year, but it is necessary to have the approval of the Cabildo if necessary.

He reiterated that he does not expect the loan to be requested, much less would he consider using the entire amount of the credit line, anticipating that as of today almost 70 percent of the 60 million pesos that the municipal administration requires to be paid is already available to pay. Christmas bonuses, in order to work to complete the amount without having to resort to debt.

Regarding the authorization to extend the benefit of the discount to those who owe property taxes, the municipal official communicated that between November 11 and 30, 2,377 accounts were settled, which resulted in the acquisition of income for just over five million pesos.

García González said that with the extension of the program until December 23, it means the possibility that many more gomezpalatinos take advantage of the advantages offered by applying the revenues of this season of the year.

Finally, the municipal treasurer was questioned about the delivery of the shares and said they were received last Wednesday, November 30 for nearly 68 million pesos and noted, “since our current governor arrived, we have not received a single peso cutting”.

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