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Golkar-PAN-PPP Coalition and Democratic Sentilan to PKS

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

The Golkar Party is exploring a coalition with other parties for the 2024 presidential election. The already formed coalition consists of: GolkarNational Mandate Party (PAN) and PPP.

This coalition was directly conveyed by the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, after meeting with PAN chairman Zulkifli Hasan and PPP chairman Suharso Monoarfa in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta, Thursday (12/5).

“God willing [akan koalisi], it was called “Three United”. United is banyan, sun and kaaba,” said Airlangga after the meeting.

He even mentioned that the three parties that have formed a coalition will start cooperation from the central level to the district/city level. One point of the collaboration is to oversee the success of President Joko Widodo’s program. At the same time, it will oversee the stages of the election that have been prepared.

“We encourage unity and we emphasize the risks of identity politics,” he said.

Not only Airlangga, Suharso also confirmed the possibility of his party’s coalition with Golkar and PAN in the 2024 presidential election. He even believed that the coalition members would increase over time.

“God willing, God willing [akan berkoalisi]. The possibility will increase for sure,” said Suharso.

On the other hand, the Democrat Party admits that it has not yet confirmed whether or not to join the coalition. Deputy for Bappilu DPP for the Democratic Party Kamhar Lakumani said his party had not made any decisions regarding the United Indonesia Coalition formed by Golkar, the National Mandate Party (PAN), and the United Development Party (PPP).

He stated that there needs to be an assessment before deciding whether to join or not to join a coalition of political parties (parties).

“Of course there must be further exploration and discussion to arrive at a decision to join or form a new axis,” Kamhar told CNNIndonesia.comFriday (13/5).

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) conveyed a different matter. The chairman of the PKS DPP, Mardani Ali Sera, assessed that the formation of the PAN, PPP and Golkar coalition could be a problem. Mardani reminded that President Joko Widodo had asked ministers to focus on work.

“It’s done by ministers who have been warned to focus, that’s a problem. It’s good for the ministers to explain to the public,” Mardani told reporters, Friday (13/5).

(tst / mic)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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