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Golden Coast. The county council wants to manage national roads

Will the Côte-d’Or departmental council soon be in charge of managing the A 38, the LiNo and the east Dijon ring road? A possibility that should be offered to him soon through the 3DS law (differentiation, decentralization, deconcentration and simplification of local public action) and which the president of the community, François Sauvadet, wishes to take up.

In a press release published on Tuesday, he recalls that as early as 2018, he had “expressed his interest in experimenting with various transfers of competence between the State and the Departments, including the management of national roads”. “Manager of a departmental road network of more than 5,800 km, the Department of Côte-d’Or has already demonstrated its detailed knowledge of the related issues and has the means and skills to assume this new responsibility”, continues François Sauvadet. “The 3DS law will record the transfer of national roads as a priority to the Departments. The departmental council of the Côte-d’Or has all the legitimacy to take over the management of the 60 km of national roads crossing its territory. »

The law ratified in February

About sixty kilometers concerning the A 38 motorway (free), which connects Dijon to the A 6 motorway, at Pouilly-en-Auxois. But also the Dijon ring road. That is to say the eastern ring road, the LiNo and its tunnel. Axes and a work currently under the responsibility of the State and whose maintenance and upkeep are entrusted to the DIR (interdepartmental direction of roads) Centre-Est.

As a reminder, the Côte-d’Or road network extends over more than 12,700 km, including nearly 300 km of motorways. Motorways that will remain under the care of private operating companies, in this case APRR (Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône) in our region.

In terms of road maintenance, the county council also shares responsibility with the municipalities, which manage their municipal roads. As well as with Dijon Métropole, which takes care of the main axes located on its territory.

As for the 3DS law, it must be re-examined in the National Assembly on February 8 and 9. As soon as it is adopted, François Sauvadet indicates that he will write to the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, to position himself officially on the resumption of these 60 km of national roads.

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