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Golden Coast. Dijon Bar lawyers on strike this Tuesday to defend professional secrecy

This Tuesday, at 1:30 p.m., the lawyers of the Dijon bar are called to assemble in front of the Judicial City to defend professional secrecy. This is an event led by “our national authorities as well as our professional unions,” says Stéphane Creusvaux, president of Dijon. “The principle is that the client, when he consults a lawyer, must be guaranteed that his exchanges are subject to professional secrecy, so that it is defended in an optimal way”, he summarizes.

A bill examined this Tuesday in the Assembly

This Tuesday, the bill for confidence in the judicial institution is examined before the National Assembly, and that’s where it gets stuck. “In this text, the Senate adopted an amendment whose provisions lead to limit professional secrecy by no longer covering exchanges between the client and the lawyer who acts as counsel,” says Stéphane Creusvaux. The latter raises that “the link between advice and legal action is sometimes tenuous”. He argues that “the purpose of this law is to fight against money laundering and tax offenses. But the danger is that it could concern other areas. We hope that the government tables an amendment to this article and that it be deleted ”.

The Senate adopted an amendment whose provisions limit professional secrecy.

Stéphane Creusvaux, President of Dijon

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