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Gold prices today in Egypt

The price of gold today is Sunday 14th of June 2020, we publish you the Gold rate through continuous follow-up on the clock on the website “Egypt 365”, with an updated table of the latest gold prices in the Egyptian market shot its different, and what happens to the price of gold and changes in gold prices, and every Mason in the Gold Market, moment by moment, where the table is updated continuously to track the gold “18K, calibre 21, caliber 24”, as well as the price of the gold pound, the price of an ounce of gold.

Linked to the price of gold today in Egypt a lot of factors including supply and demand factors and the price of troy ounce of gold globally and the changes that occur in the price of the US dollar, which is the most important factor that is taken into account daily when you determine the price, but with the decline in the price of the dollar recently in Egypt caused it to slow down the wave of gold price rally despite rising world gold prices.

The price of gold today

The price of gold in the shops of the Goldsmiths in Egypt
Category Price
24 carat 886 to 888
Caliber 22 812 to 814
Caliber 21 775 to 777
18k 664 to 666
14k 517 to 518
12 gauge 443 to 444
An ounce 27,546 to 27,617
Fairy Gold 6,200 to 6,216
Kilo 885,714 to 888,000

Read also:

The average gold price in today’s financial markets in Egypt

Unit Gold price today in pounds The price of gold today in dollars
Gold Rate 24 carat 885.59 pounds $54.64
The price of gold caliber 22 811.80 £ $50.09
Price of gold caliber 21 774.91 pounds $47.81
Gold price 18k 664.20 £ $40.98
The price of gold 14k 516.60 £ $31.88
The price of gold 12 gauge 442.80 £ $27.32
The price of gold 9 carat 332.10 £ $20.49
Price of an ounce of gold 27,542 pounds $1,699
Price of Fairy Gold 6,199 £ $382.51
Gold 885,590 pounds $54,643

The average gold price in the last few days in Egypt financial markets

Today 24 carat Caliber 21
June 9 893.01 781.40
June 8 885.59 774.91
June 7 879.18 769.30
June 6 879.34 769.44
June 5 879.75 769.80
June 4 894.52 782.72
June 3 878.92 769.07
June 2 889.20 778.07
June 1 891.00 779.65
May 31, 879.24 769.35
May 30 880.51 770.47
May 29 880.99 770.89
May 28 876.40 766.87
May 27 871.38 762.48
May 26 873.11 763.99
May 25 881.58 771.40
May 24 884.32 773.79
May 23 883.91 773.44
May 22 885.33 774.68
May 21 881.80 771.60
May 20 889.74 778.54
May 19 886.43 775.65
May 18 880.13 770.14
May 17 882.72 772.40
May 16 881.77 771.57
May 15 881.88 771.67
May 14 876.68 767.12
May 13 869.29 760.65
May 12 862.22 754.46
May 11 860.00 752.52

Saw the gold price a state of instability since the outbreak of the trade war between the United States and China, where the war between the two largest economies in the world by the imposition of many tariffs on imports of Chinese state, which was doing its part to respond to the decisions of America, during the time the current going steps towards negotiations between the two states in the middle of the soil between the investors who betook themselves most of the time to gold as a safe haven investment.

Includes Gold a large part of Egypt’s exports of jewelries and gems, which exceed one billion dollars annually, and the export of raw gold ingots and craft items finished, because of the seal of the stamp which are not accepted outside the country.

The factors influencing price of gold

Thought the price of gold the most important factors that are shaping the global economy, and here the economists of the gold price variability of major importance, particularly as it affects the economic development of the Global Impact Initiative.

One of the most important factors affecting international gold prices :

Key interest rate : Approved by the central bank can either raise the value or lower it according to the state of the economy of the country, in the case of economic recession, the state pursues expansionary monetary policy, by increasing the quantity of money, interest rate reduction, which leads to increasing the price of gold .. in the case of inflation, the state pursues the monetary policy with the tendencies of a deflationary, where the increase of the interest rate, which indirectly leads to a decline in the price of gold .

Any economic crisis world have a direct impact on the price of gold, it serves as a safe haven to turn to investors quickly when feeling any signs of crisis of a global close .

The price of the U.S. dollar : There is a close between the dollar and the price of gold bullion, the relationship between them is an inverse relationship purely .

Spare gold Located on the banks of the world has a slight effect on the price of gold generally, any sale or purchase of a part of this provisions would move the international gold prices especially in the major industrial countries .

World oil prices May occur in some cases decline in the price of oil, which refers to the case of the lack of weight in prison, using investors to gold as a safe haven, pushing up prices in the world market .

The amount of the annual production of gold Western world of the natural to have an effect on its price in the market .

The amount of the demand for gold In the markets of India and China : by virtue that they possessed the largest reserves of gold, knowing that this factor is least influential on the price of gold World .

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