Home » today » World » Gold of Nefertiti. In Cyprus, found a tomb with decorations, like the Queen of Egypt (photo)

Gold of Nefertiti. In Cyprus, found a tomb with decorations, like the Queen of Egypt (photo)

In the tomb, which is 3 thousand years old, archaeologists have found gold jewelry, including a necklace, a pendant in the shape of a lotus flower and a tiara.

In the tombs in Cyprus, which date back to the reign of the Egyptian queen Nefertiti, scientists have found hundreds of burial objects, the remains of more than 100 people, as well as a gold pendant in the shape of a lotus flower inlaid with precious stones, which is similar to those worn by the ancient Egyptian queen. Daily Mail.

The gold pendant is similar to those worn by Queen Nefertiti.

Photo: Daily Mail

The items were found in one of two tombs that were discovered back in 2018 in Cyprus, but only now scientists from the University of Gothenburg have examined them from the inside. As a result of the study of two tombs, archaeologists managed to find not only gold jewelry, but also the remains of 155 people, as well as 500 different burial items.

Skeleton, tomb, Cyprus

Scientists have found the remains of 155 people in the tombs.

Photo: Daily Mail

According to scientists, both tombs were used between 1500 and 1350 BC, and all objects and bodies were stacked on top of each other. Among the remains of people found, one of the skeletons belongs to a five-year-old child who was buried with a lot of jewelry, among which was a gold tiara and a necklace.

Necklace, gold, tomb, Cyprus

A gold necklace found in a tomb in Cyprus.

Photo: Daily Mail

Archaeologists also found a cylindrical seal made of hematite, on which was made an inscription in cuneiform, which was used in Mesopotamia, this is modern Iraq. Scientists managed to decipher the inscription and it turned out that the god Amurru is mentioned there, as well as the names of two rulers of this country. According to Peter Fischer, the head of the excavation, it remains to be determined how the object ended up 1,000 kilometers from the place where it was made.

Seal, Mesopotamia, tomb, Cyprus

Hematite seal from Mesopotamia

Photo: Daily Mail

“We were able to determine that many of the items date back to the reign of the Egyptian queen Nefertiti and her husband, Pharaoh Akhenaten, around 1350 BC,” says Fisher.

Nefertiti, Egypt, queen

Egyptian Queen Nefertiti. She was the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten and ruled over Egypt in 1351 BC. – 1334 BC

Photo: Daily Mail

This also applies to the gold pendant in the shape of a lotus flower. Similar jewelry was worn by Nefertiti herself. According to Fisher, now it is necessary to conduct a DNA analysis of the skeletons in order to find out if there are visitors from other regions close to Cyprus.

We remind you that archaeologists have discovered fossilized footprints a previously unknown species of ancient people, and in China, scientists have found the world’s oldest cup of tea.

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