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Gold medalist: Lawyer suggests suing Australian media for libel – BBC News Thailand

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image source, Thai news pix

Maj Gen Dr Rongthong Naannan, Chairman of the National Refuse Collection Organization An Australian lawyer friend has recommended a libel suit against an Australian journalist following a report of an attempt by political activists to call on the government Australian to block plans for a visa-free retirement in Perth

Lt. Col. Dr. Rongthong announced this viaFacebook pageof him at 15:30 on December 5 after Chris Barrett, Southeast Asia region correspondent in charge of The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper or SMP and The Age (The Age) network He published a report entitled “A ruthless Thai vigilante wants withdraw to Australia. Victims who fled here say it must be stopped” from 5am 5 December onwardsSMP site weather in Australia

This article has a title that can be translated into Thai as “A ruthless vigilante who wants to retire to Australia. But his victims who fled here said This man’s efforts must be in vain.

Chief Executive Officer Mongkutwattana Public Company Limited said this article “Defamation, Defamation, Falsehood”

“An Australian solicitor friend…advised me to assess the monetary damages of my hourly wages, which I assumed was the managing director. Mongkutwattana Plc. it has a rate of 200 Australian dollars per hour. From the time this article was published at 05:00 on December 5, 2022, until this article was officially withdrawn by law from such defamatory articles.

Lt. Col. Dr. Rongthong said Thai lawyers have recommended that criminal cases be brought before Thai courts. “To the authors, Chris Barrett and three other Thai nationals named in the article.

What does this article say?

The content of this article features an interview with two Thai refugees in Australia who say they are “victims” of the actions of Maj. Gen. Gold Medal and the network, as well as reporting on Pavin Chatchawalpongpan’s campaign. Associate Professor of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University and Political Refugees Calling on the Australian Government to Deny Major General Dr. Gold Medal Immigration Application

This news claimed in an episode that Major General Dr. Gold Medal Describing his plans on social media, His father bought a property in Perth. in the west in 1992 and allegedly traveled between his home in Perth and his home in Bangkok. rest after retirement

Said to retire out of Thailand. “It doesn’t mean I’m racist,” a charge he accused of instigating political opponents and the campaign target of his organization. or escape prosecution

He said in a post to his 162,000 Facebook followers: “The Australian government welcomes dictators like me.”

SMH correspondents reported that Major General Dr. Rongthong refused an interview When the phone calls He said the information that he was moving to Australia was “fake news”.

BBC Thai also contacted Major General Dr. Gold Medal via a Facebook account but received no response

image source, Thai BBC

“I don’t want to believe”

This article features interviews with two Thai men whom reporters have identified as “victims” of Major General Dr. Rongthong. Up to forcing them to seek asylum to live in Australia

Krittanai Thepsai, better known as ‘Jack’ now resides in Geelong. Victoria’s second-largest city said the attack by the ‘Gold Medal Doctors Group’ forced him into asylum in Australia.

Online groups rallied against him in 2014 after he criticized then-Rama IX, who passed away in 2016.

He said Maj-Gen Dr Rongthong had published personal information about him. and received death threats and warnings that a group of men would break into his home in Chiang Mai and rape his 16-year-old daughter.

“I can’t believe the gold medalist will get a visa to Australia,” she said in the article.

Pisal Thanathavornlarp, ​​another asylum man in Australia said he left Bangkok to go into exile in Sydney after being kicked out over a social media post he made in 2014.

He said his comments were satirical and figurative. and not directly criticize the monarchy But after Maj-Gen Dr. Rongthong posted his phone number online he was threatened with threatening calls.

With security issues and mental health issues So he was ordained in a temple. But after being tried for lese-majeste he He moved to Australia for fear of being sent to prison.

“If the gold medal hadn’t been released, it wouldn’t have had such a big impact. Because it’s a gold coin. Strangers come and insult me ​​on Facebook. My life has completely changed,” said Pisan, who calls himself Max in Sydney.

Somsak Rachaso, another witch hunt victim Attacked online by Major General Dr Rongthong, discovers ‘vigilantes’ have crossed the border after he is forced to quit his job in Sydney. after criticism intensified in 2016 following the death of King Rama IX

The ABC reported at a time when Somsak’s former employers were concerned about the safety of employees and customers, after Maj. Gen. Dr. Rongthong posted that “Thais there [ในออสเตรเลีย] Don’t associate. Don’t give him or his family a job.”

“From striker to midfielder”

On November 10, Major General Dr. Thongthong Post messages and photos of your family on your Facebook page. He has announced that he is moving to the countryside to live after his retirement in Perth. Australia stating that

“I will change my role from striker to midfielder. And let my wife continue to be an advocate, and my 3 children, 2 on the far right and 2 on the far left, both specialists in radiation therapy and oncology, will both be on the front lines.

As for the youngest son, he is an auditor who has just completed his master’s degree in finance. It will be a midfield pairing with me and another one of my nephews in Mongkutwattana Public Company Limited for a few years when the three forwards and midfielders can fly on their own. I will live my life by the sea in Perth. Western Australia I am 63 years old. I am old. I can no longer push the shield Major General Vladimir Putong Nov 10 ’22 at 12:30

After this announcement was published This caused a lot of criticism from his opponents.

image source, Thai BBC

opposition to entry

Thai dissidents and refugees overseas unite in opposition to Australia’s gold medalist Maj-Gen Dr.

Victims and activists are calling on the Australian government to deny Maj Gen Goldman the ability to spend his retirement in Perth. Claiming I’m not qualified They say he engages in and supports hate speech. and support the following of critics of the monarchy across Thailand and abroad. “It doesn’t matter what the consequences are.”

“His use of social media has been riddled with hate speech and dehumanization of people with different values ​​than he does,” read a letter of the complaint. “His actions were clearly controversial and against Australian values.”

Earlier, Pavin Chachawanpongphan Associate Professor of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University and political refugees staged a list-hunting campaign titled “Calling Australia to Deny Major General Goldman Nak Nak Entry” on Change.org, with 16,101 signatures so far.

Pawin was one of those who wrote to the Australian embassy in Bangkok. Regarding the gold medal, he said, “Many lives have been affected by his exaggerated actions.”

“His behavior will not be tolerated in any truly democratic country in the world, including Australia.”

Maj. Gen. Dr. Rongthong wrote on Facebook that an international network had followed him and prevented him from traveling to Australia, Europe and the United States. And the Australian government shouldn’t believe what they say about him.

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