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Gold is considered the entry of Brno into the European Union. Teach them first and Russian Companies and markets

Prague Permitted to stay and citizenship in exchange for investment in a certain vi? The British company Astons analyzed the conditions in individual EU countries for the award of the so-called gold medals and according to how many countries their owners from non-EU countries can travel without barriers.

Through gold coins, which are used mainly by Russians, the state is trying to attract investors, for which it hardly had any funds from them. On the other hand, there is a known security risk associated with these programs.

Twenty member states of the European Union now offer programs of gold vz. Investors who spend a set amount of pensions, can get a residence permit, in some states it is even possible to buy citizenship and then receive a passport. This guarantees the dritelm the ability to travel freely. The number of lands where you can go without baking in the form of vz, if you start from the sttu.

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For example, last year, Greece granted such 18,000 foreigners, most of them. Investors liked this country, or they can buy a property worth a quarter of a million euros (about 6.6 million crowns) here, and after seven years they can apply for citizenship.

There are many reasons why anyone wants to gain citizenship through investment. The ability to travel to more countries without obligation is undoubtedly one of the biggest attractions, and Arthur Sarkisian, CEO of Astons, is a major player in the international first services market and offers relocation-related services. The fact that it was the first time to travel in the Czech Republic without the ability to increase the increase in gold during the coronavirus pandemic.

Astons analyzed the conditions under which it is possible to obtain a residence permit and citizenship in individual EU countries, and in how many countries it is necessary to travel without a residence permit. From this point of view, Austria is the most attractive. If an investor there spends over 2.7 million pounds (about 78 million crowns), after two and a few years I will gain citizenship, and therefore an Austrian passport. He opened the door to 187 the earth. However, it must be emphasized that those interested in Austrian gold must actually invest in businesses and create jobs.

Malta is much more benevolent than in Austria. Buy the purchase of real bonds as an investment there. It can be issued to Malta for 14 msc. Invest a hundred equivalent to one million pounds. With a Maltese passport, you can travel to 184 countries around the world without taking it. Citizenship of the Union’s member state can be purchased in both Cyprus and Bulgaria. They want to invest almost 462 thousand pounds there, so something was less than 13 million crowns. The Bulgarian passport allows a visa-free journey to 171 countries around the world. Very attractive for investors are programs in southern European countries, which guarantee a residence permit. With it, investors can move freely within the Schengen area. In Malta, a residence permit can be issued for three months in exchange for an investment worth less than 300 thousand pounds, ie for about 8.7 million crowns. This corresponds to the purchase of a family house, for example. Similar conditions for both Greece and Portugal are offered, in Spain it is necessary to spend at least 451 thousand pounds to obtain a residence permit.

The Czech Republic has very strict conditions for the award of gold vz. The Ministry of the Interior emphasizes that it must be a business investment, for example, it is not necessary to buy a property. The investor is obliged to submit a credible and feasible business agreement, which will be assessed by the Ministry of Industry, to Adam Rzler, spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior. In addition, the investment must have a value of at least 75 million crowns and at the same time it is necessary to promise to create at least twenty jobs in the Czech Republic.

Only one citizen of Ukraine applied for gold in the Czech Republic. His enough was muted.

The main reason for those who offer gold programs are mainly pensions. According to the first European Getaway: Inside the Murky World of Golden Visas, published in 2018 by Transparency International, EU member states have been investing almost 25 billion euros in gold since 2008. Most of this amount went to Spain, Cyprus, Portugal and the United Kingdom.

Security risk

Transparency International estimates that six thousand citizenships have been granted in the EU countries since 2008, and 100,000 people have been granted a residence permit. Among the applicants for gold are the leaders and the Russians.

According to MEP Luke Niedermayer (TOP 09), gold is awarded for money, it is often closed above where the pension comes from, and investment requirements are kept to a minimum, only seemingly profitable activity. On the one hand, the country is degrading the significance of what it means to be a citizen and increasing its security risk, because sometimes there are no controlled control profiles of the people who call on Niedermayer, with the fact that due to the Schengen system this risk will be reflected in the country. which would never provide such hunting with citizenship and residence. Risks such as money laundering, taxation and corruption are most often mentioned in connection with gold.

The European Commission opts for gold programs. The security controls performed by applicants are not sufficiently reliable and the EU’s own centralized information systems, such as the Schengen Information System, are not developing as systematically as they should be, the Commission warned early last year.

MEP Niedermayer explains that it is not easy to agree on a single EU procedure, due to the clear sovereignty of the member states. On the other hand, if we do not coordinate our actions and are not mutually considerate, the day Europe without borders may be endangered in it, add.

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