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Gold is cheap, people The price of 21 karat is a surprise

Gold is cheap, people, for the first time in a while we hear about something cheap and its price has decreased. All commodities have a significant increase in price during this period, but gold is the only one that did it and its price decreased.

Today, gold prices have declined significantly, as the price of one gram decreased by 10 pounds, which is a fairly good amount, and it will rub into the price of buying gold in quantities, or when buying gold pounds.

Most of the gold stores take a vacation today, Sunday, and resume their activities tomorrow, Monday. Whoever wants to buy gold at this price does not have a share today, and he must wait for tomorrow, and prices may drop again.

Gold prices today

And we publish gold prices for you today, Saturday 1/2/2023, we publish them to you according to their latest update, in gold and gold shops without workmanship.

– The price of 24 karat gold increased to 1,960 pounds.

– 21 carat gold fell, to record 1,715 pounds.

18 karat gold dropped to 1,470 pounds.

– The price of the gold pound recorded 13,720 pounds.

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