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Gold Fraud Through Ginceu Iluva Account Reported, Low Prices, Not Sent Pages all

KOMPAS.com- Alleged fraud gold was reported by a woman from Kota Pekanbaru, Riau, WR (32).

He felt cheated by a Facebook account named Ginceu Iluva.

Hundreds of millions of money floated after the gold order never arrived.

Also read: 300 People Tricked To Buy and Sell Antam Gold via Facebook, Losing Billions of Rupiah

KOMPAS / PRIYOMBODO Illustration-Long subscribed

It turned out that WR had been subscribing to shopping for branded goods and gold for a long time from this account on Facebook.

The previous order went well until WR finally ordered 200 grams of gold at a price of IDR 121 million

Two months have passed, the goods have not been sent. Even though orders usually arrive within two weeks.

“Actually, this Ginceu Iluva is my customer. I used to do a normal transaction. But two orders gold antam a total of 200 grams have not been sent. When contacted, there was no response, it means that the intention was not good, so we reported the police because we felt that we had been cheated, “said WR, by telephone, Monday (7/9/2020) afternoon.

Also read: Down IDR 5,000, Here Are Details of Antam’s Gold Price Today

Facebook social media illustration.SHUTTERSTOCK Facebook social media illustration.-

Know the name of the account owner

WR claimed to know the name of the owner of Ginceu Iluva’s Facebook account.

He tried to call and contact the seller but there was no response.

“I tried calling, WhatsApps, but there was no response at all. The owner is in Jakarta named Drelia Wangsih,” said WR.

The WR orders weigh 150 grams on 26 June 2020 and 50 grams of gold on 8 July 2020.

The price, said WR, is sold varies and tends to be cheaper than the market.

“Yesterday the price varied. For example, I bought 50 grams, it was Rp.30.5 million,” said WR.

Also read: Details of the Latest 24 Carat Gold Bar Prices at Pegadaian

Hundreds of victims

photo" data-photolink="http://regional.kompas.com/image/2020/09/08/16510701/penipuan-emas-lewat-akun-ginceu-iluva-dilaporkan-harga-murah-lama-lama-tak?page=4" style="max-width: 100%;width:750px">Deception illustration.SHUTTERSTOCK Deception illustration.-WR admits that he is not the only victim. He reported the case with three friends to the Riau Police.

“I am one of the victims of fraud selling cheap antam gold via Facebook. And, earlier I and three other victims in Pekanbaru have made a report to the Riau Police,” said WR.

In fact, he said there were 300 people throughout Indonesia who had become victims of these deceptions.

“There have been many victims of this fraud case. Not only in Pekanbaru, but from Sabang to Merauke there were around 300 victims. In Pekanbaru there were eight victims. Some lost Rp. 400 million, Rp. 360 million, Rp. 120 million and Rp. 200 million. “In Batam (Riau Islands) the victim has also reported to the Riau Islands Police,” said WR.

He hopes the police can immediately arrest the perpetrators.

“Yes, I hope the perpetrators will be caught soon before the number of victims increases,” concluded WR.

Source: Kompas.com (Author: Pekanbaru Contributor, Idon Tanjung | Editor: Farid Assifa)

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