Home » today » Technology » Gold first – NB increases its investment in gold. It is also insight from the point of view of a small investor

Gold first – NB increases its investment in gold. It is also insight from the point of view of a small investor

esk nrodn bankais up to gold for a long time she built a grudge, sold it, turned the pedloni. Gradually metal opt buys. At the end of last year, she had a safe in foreign exchange
reserve 340 tisc troyskch unc metal and some less than ten thousand then go out of the official Reserves. Together so NB has less than ten tonnes metal
for 13.4 billion crowns. Although this may seem like a not insignificant amount, the bag represents only 0.35 percent of the total volume devisovch reserve NB.

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According to Svtov advice for gold m NB currently in safes about ten quarters of me gold, no answer recommended by the International Monetary Fund. And halfway through year 2020 I know NB gold moreover, she got rid of the long flight. In the last two and a half years, the bag is gradually being bought. So many gold as she now had at last time let 2014 a 2015.

It follows that if as a small investor you go to gold and three percent of your total investment portfolio, do not make a mistake. There are even central bankwho ever dn gold not for example Norwegian or Canadian but the trend of the last let je spe to, e
central bank sv zsoby gold roziuj. often it is about central bank
land that are or could get to kku with the Fall, especially
United stty. It ‘s up to you Mask, not i Kazakhstan. These lands gold
buy as insurance against you sanknmu distance from mezinrodnho
SWIFT payment systemit’s just in the hands of Zpada.

For a similar reason, investing in gold me just as an individual investor. Gold could apply you in the case blackoutu or the collapse of the financial system in the event of a nearly predictable catastrophe. That bag can never be completely ruled out. However, if its probability is up to five percent, it is clear that it has a similar portfolio, ie a unit of percent, in gold. Just like this Mezinrodn mnov fond recommends esk nrodn bank.
By ta me gold apply even in the implementation of the world policy, what individuals understandably incident.

Central bank in addition to the implementation of the policy gold use the commemorative coins here and there. For example, the issue of commemorative coins of the Castles of the Czech Republic has fallen by more than 1.6 tonnes in recent years. gold from foreign exchange reserves NB.

The first coins in the world are the most natural and most monetizable South African Krugerrand, according to american
American Eagle, Canadian Maple Leaf or even a domestic Czech lion is one of the key ways for small investors to gold
invest. You can also invest in coins in the country. Investors should choose a two-sided and stable company. Myleno now understandably into the physical goldwhich is generally a better insurance against blackouts and other disasters, not non-physical goldwhich with its papery nature ble k action, bond or cash.

In the time of a fallen collapse svtovho financial system and the transition to a barter shift from it can easily remain first completely worthless papr. Physical price gold
in the event of a catastrophe, it will grow dramatically and its owner will be able to buy interesting property for the mushroom, the others will be in extreme need and the panic will be relieved. We know that in the area blackoutu there is a total civilian upheaval literally during the day. Energy experts warn you that you Europe nen otzkou whether blackout
occurs but when it does.

In addition to coins can be physically gold invest by buying ingots or perks. If you want to come
gold in physical form, you usually have to buy it elsewhere, not where you live investment, ie outside a bank or brokerage company. You don’t have to bet to the jewelry store right away. There are specialized investin companies, they focus on gold, and who will sell you the first ingot. And they will help with his as well pojitnm or custody. The price of ingots should abrade development
gold prices and svtovch three, or a difference of a number of coins, the collector’s pirate does not apply to the ingots. And since the manufacturer beats you, they also ask you about the prices used goldit is better to take perks as perks as decoration and wedding property, not as an investment.

Luk Kovanda, chief economist, Trinity Bank, only the National Economic Council of the government

Luke Kovanda, Ph.D.

Nrodn ekonomick rada vldy (NERV)

Chief Economist, Trinity Bank


Trinity Bank has been operating on the financial market for 25 years and the transformation of the Moravian Pennate State of Savings Bank was established. With 25,000 clients and its balance sheet total exceeds 18 billion K.

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