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Goedele Liekens has skin cancer: “Have skin blemishes tested, …

Sexologist and Open VLD politician Goedele Liekens (57) has skin cancer, she announced on Facebook. “It’s treatable, I’m lucky.” She concludes her long post with a call: “Have skin blemishes tested, asap!”

“You know, it is not in my nature to cover things up. And I want to tell you myself. I have skin cancer. ” That’s how Liekens starts her post, after which she describes how it started with a strange stain “which dermatologists have been warning about for years”. The stain was removed, but the cancer cells were already found in her body.

She will put her activities in the federal parliament and in the media on the back burner to take care of herself, she also says. “There are good days when I live happily and energetically as if nothing is wrong. Then I force myself to enjoy while I can. There are bad days when the side effects of that treatment leave me exhausted, nauseous and sick. Having to stop halfway up the stairs before you get upstairs in your bed, limp and feverish in the chair, confused … fellow sufferers know it.

“Unfortunately, the bad days are getting more frequent and I am forced to put my activities on the back burner for some time: both in the federal parliament and in the media. I just need my energy for something else now. To go back for it professionally afterwards! You are not released from me yet. You know that ‘giving up’ is not my best quality. ”

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