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Godfall Review – Buy, Budget or Demolish?

We now know that the PS5 has been released. And we’ve been talking extensively about Demon’s Soul’s and Miles Morales recently. But there is more exclusive to Sony’s new console. Before anything was reported by Sony itself about the games coming to the PS5, Godfall was already showing off the fact that they were coming to the PS5. And although the game is not entirely a PS5 exclusive since it also comes out on PC, that was a thing. But is this game from the well-known publisher Gearbox really a potential title to buy if you get or will get the PS5? You will find out in the Godfall Review.

Slash your way through the enemies

In Godfall you play as Orin, a Valorian knight in the world of Aperion. As Orin you make your way through different worlds, namely Earth, Air and Water. And Fire, but there is something strange about that. You do this to eventually take on your rather hostile brother. And you do that traveling through these worlds chopping and thrusting. Think of the game as a looter slasher.

Was Godfall rushed for the launch of the PS5?

Godfall is the very first game where it was indicated that it would be a PS5 exclusive. Since then, the game has always been a bit in the spotlight, but of course it diminished once Demon’s Souls and Miles Morales were announced. However, Gearbox played it cleverly by announcing the game first for the PS5, because the question is whether this game would also have made it to the frontpage if it had been released a year later. And there is a downside to having to be ready with the release of a console. You are stuck with a firm deadline. Then you can sometimes start rushing with all the adverse consequences that entails. If this is also the case, JJ and chose will tell you in the Godfall Review.

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