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God Knows Everything, And That’s Good News

“There is nothing in all creation that is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed to his eyes; and it is to him that we give account.” Hebreos 4:13 (NTV)

Have you ever woken up to go to the fridge in the middle of the night even though you were on a diet? I’ve been there, with the fridge door open, thinking, “Just one little taste…”

We have a personal debate: “Go ahead. It won’t hurt just this once.” “No, I’m on a diet!”

It is at times like this that Satan feeds us the diabolical excuse: “No one will find out.”

You may not be sitting in front of the refrigerator. You may be sitting at work or doing your taxes or hanging out somewhere your parents don’t want you to be. But you still go ahead and do something questionable because you believe the lie that “no one will ever find out.”

But God already knows!

Hebrews 4:13 “There is nothing in all creation that is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed to his eyes; and it is to him that we give account.” (NLT) God will never be surprised. He knows everything!

The fact that God knows everything about you is good news, not bad. Here’s why:

God knows your mistakes and failures. I find it uncomfortable to realize that I have no secrets from God, because there are things about me that I would rather God not know. But the Bible says, “My God, you know the crazy things I have done, I cannot hide my sins from you” Salmo 69:5 (PDT).

You can’t fool God when you keep your sin hidden (see 1 John 1:8). He isn’t surprised by your sins, and when you admit them, He will never change His feelings toward you. He loves you unconditionally, and that means you can’t fool Him. You don’t have to pretend.

God knows your feelings and frustrations. You may think, “No one knows what I’m going through. No one feels the pain I’m experiencing.” God knows. He is seeing the crisis in your soul. No wound goes unnoticed by God. Psalm 56:8 says, “You have seen my suffering, you have collected my tears” (PDT).

Because God knows your frustrations and despair, you can give those feelings to Him: “Trust God with all your worries, because he cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7 (PDT). Deposit them in God permanently, once and for all. Don’t save them.

Reflect on this:

  • If God already knows your faults and mistakes, why is it important to confess your sins to Him?
  • What does it mean to cast your cares on God? What worries do you need to give Him today?
  • Knowing that God loves you unconditionally, how does it change the way you live?

If you have not yet trusted Jesus and committed to following Him, why wait any longer? If you are ready to cross that line and make the decision to believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him; do this prayerMore resources in Spanish and other languages ​​including ASL — American Sign Language RickWarren.org. Follow us on Instagram & Facebook and share Daily Hope with your friends and family. Receive a daily verse of inspiration for a month by WhatsApp
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