13 minutes ago
Dmitry Malikov
Dmitry and Elena Malikov do not hide the fact that a surrogate mother carried the youngest child for them. The boy, who was named the beautiful name Mark, was born in 2018. Then the musician was 48 years old, and his wife – 55.
Almost no one knew that the couple again wanted to experience the joys of parenthood. Only the closest family members were aware of these plans. The older children of the Malikovs were at first shocked by the news, but in the end they fully supported this impulse.
To date, the fair-haired and charming Mark is already five years old. He grows up as a smiling, friendly and talented boy. Dmitry rarely shows his son to the public, but recently he nevertheless made an exception. In his microblog, the musician posted new footage with the child. Mark posed in a home suit, sitting on the windowsill.
“You are my best and most beloved!” – the 53-year-old People’s Artist of Russia emotionally signed the publication.
Malikov is clearly very proud of his offspring. And, judging by the comments on the Web, his feelings are shared by numerous fans. Frames with Mark made a splash.
“Button eyes”, “Adorable child”, “God, how beautiful he is!”, “Cute and sincere”, “Golden boy”, “Daddy’s copy”, Internet users admired.
Dmitry’s star subscriber, singer Valeria, also showed attention to the child. “Lapusik what,” she wrote under the post.