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Goat didn’t fall over in shock after a quake in Hamm-Pelkum – history of an internet phenomenon

Career ladder? At least there are no TV inquiries for the Pelkum goat Elsa.

© Plümper

“New quake in Pelkum: goat is said to have fallen over in shock” was a headline in WA and WA.de in January. We know that the floor in Hamm-Westen trembles every now and then: it’s a free gift. But how did the goat come into play that suddenly became known nationwide !?

Hamm – Anyone who knows the fairy tale “The Brave Little Tailor” will know how quickly a proverbial mosquito can turn into an elephant – or, in this case, a goat. Also the Mechanisms of social networks have contributed to the fact that the goat Elsa from Hamm-Pelkum is now one nationwide little celebrity is.

Everything started with an entry in the “Pelkum” –Facebook group on the internet. Almost 900 people are members there and share photos, messages, niceties or other information about the municipality with one another. One of the most frequent topics of conversation at this digital round table: the easy, recurring topics Tremors in Pelkum. They are very likely to rise Pit water causes and unsettles a number of citizens when “their glasses clink” in their living room.

“In this group, every little thing is written that it is rapped has and even the Dog chipped would have. Then I have one made a little fun of it and ironically written underneath that even our goat Elsa fell over in shock, ”explains farmer Christoph Plümper, how the story of the goat that fell in the earthquake began.

Goat Else from Hamm: strange news is making the rounds

That about three and a half year old ungulate Of course, everything went well the whole time. At best she will have noticed the quake by grazing stoically. At first glance this is pretty much it strange-looking message nevertheless quickly made the rounds. While most of the other commentators had a lot of fun, others appeared to be taking the story a little too seriously. The fate of the snow-white goat Elsa also reached the WA editorial team in various ways, so that in mid-January this obvious joke was also given under the same heading side note was worth.

After a further detour, the joke finally landed on the joke side “Pearls of local journalism“Which after all follow around 300,000 people. By Friday evening there had been over 100 comments from all over Germany, and the post was distributed with a similar frequency. 877 people left a laughing smiley face or similar reactions. “I never would have thought that it would make such waves when I make such a flippant comment,” says Plümper, who is amused by the matter. The goat has now become a household word, at least among the 32-year-old’s friends.

Goat Else from Hamm: joke on Plümper farm

When the next shock in Pelkum was already being discussed, one of the first questions was whether Elsa was still doing well or whether she had passed out again. “I got in touch with mining. The goat is under medical treatment due to the severe trauma. I can only recommend it to everyone ”, Plümper commented smugly. And by then at the latest it should have been clear to everyone that the whole thing was just a joke.

By the way, Elsa moved to Plümper farm in Pelkum about three years ago. There, too, jokes were played with her. “Back then, it was a bit of a gag for my mother’s birthday that we bought the goat,” explains Plümper. “Elsa is now a bit like a mascot for us.” The second goat that moved in at the time has meanwhile died due to old age. In the meantime, Elsa has an optical twin who lives in the same stable, but it has no name.

Nor does she have to fear the masses of snow – in which Elsa would almost completely disappear – just like the recurring, harmless tremors. She spends the frosty days with her companion in the warm straw.

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