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Goal accomplished! Peru achieved complete vaccination of 80% of the population against covid-19 | News

Through an emotional ceremony of gratitude to all health personnel for their enormous work during the pandemic, the Minister of Health announced today that Peru achieved the long-awaited goal of achieving the complete vaccination of 80% of the national population against the covid- 19.

“The figures recorded up to this moment record the application of 50 million 325,715 doses throughout the country, with which the goal of fully vaccinating 80.04% of the population with the two doses has been achieved”Announced Gabriela Jiménez, National Director of Immunizations of the Ministry of Health, in the presence of the President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo; and the head of the Minsa, Hernando Cevallos.

In the presence of the Head of State, Pedro Castillo, the head of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Mirtha Vásquez; and the head of the Minsa, Hernando Cevallos, the lawyer asked to remember and pay tribute to the thousands of people who died due to the new coronavirus in our country.

“The numbers shown represent human lives, people, who with this act and constant tasks of control of the biosecurity measures and the vaccine have been able to be saved. It is a huge achievement that our brigades make and we have to recognize it. It is a team effort in which we must also recognize our valued male and female nurses who are found throughout the country ”.

Jiménez also highlighted the work of all the doctors and nursing technicians, who always support the work of the health brigades in the fight to reach the most remote places in the national territory.

Unthinkable goal

In turn, the Minister of Health, Hernando Cevallos, said that the fight against the pandemic continues, because the challenge of facing a possible third wave is still present, due to the existence of a new variant of covid-19: omicron.

“It is fair that we point out and with great force that we are very proud of our health workers, very proud of the goal they have achieved. It was almost unthinkable that our country would arrive by 2022 with 80% of its population vaccinated with the two doses and close to 5 million Peruvians with the booster dose ”.

He recalled that in a few days the immunization of children from 5 to 11 years will begin, with which thousands of lives will be saved again thanks to the fact that we have a sufficient supply of vaccines against covid-19.

The Ministry of Health announced yesterday that more than 50 million doses of the vaccine against covid-19 were successfully applied throughout the national territory, without registering any adverse effects related to this immunization.

According to the Single National Repository of Health Information (Reunis) of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), to date 50 million 325,715 doses have been placed throughout the country, of which 24 million 648,834 correspond to the first dose; 21 million 745,186, at the second dose; and 3 million 931,695, at the third dose or booster dose.

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Posted on: 12/31/2021

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