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Go to the 2021 Bike Bonus, to earn money on the e-bike!

In late summer, many are wondering what happened to the mobility bonus 2021, that is, the state incentive it offered up to 500 euro of financing for the purchase of a e-bike or a electric scooter.

If for now there is no mention of the renewal of the national mobility bonus, because the executive has other priorities including Tax Reform and the Pensions reform, this does not mean that there are no alternative opportunities in this sense.

In many areas of Italy gods have in fact been activated 2021 bike bonus, whose management is entrusted to the regional or municipal authorities, which therefore have the right to establish amounts and methods of disbursement.

The 2021 bike bonuses are now active in many territories and consist of very different incentives: they range from the classic Discount for the purchase of the vehicle to incentives that provide a sum for each kilometer bike route.

Furthermore, even on the national side, there is no need to despair too much about the mobility bonus why, if it is true that the government has other priorities and that Draghi does not welcome the high number of bonuses established by the previous Conte executive, it is also true that i bonus aimed at environmental protection they have so far been favorably treated.

Among the objectives common to the member countries of EU there is in fact that of reducing pollution and the use of classic motor vehicles, to favor the means of sustainable mobility. So it is not excluded that very soon we will also see the great return of the mobility bonus 2021, but for now let’s focus on regional incentives. Let’s see where i are active 2021 bike bonus, how they work and how to request them.

For the more experienced there is then an alternative solution, that is turn a traditional bike into an electric bike by hand following the instructions provided by Ivan Zogia in his YouTube video:

Bike bonus 2021, up to € 50 per month with “Muvt in Bici”

Among the local authorities who have moved the most to offer a 2021 bike bonus to its citizens we find the Puglia in the forefront, where these incentives are active both in the province of Foggia and in that of Bari.

A Bari the project is called “Muvt by bike”, the last call has been activated since June 16, registration on the portal is required in order to register online dedicated to the bike bonus made available by the municipality.

This incentive consists of a monetary contribution paid to the beneficiaries for each kilometer traveled on a bike, be it traditional or electric, but in this case the rates vary.

In e-Bike they can have 0.10 cents per kilometer traveled on the home – work – home route or the home – school – home route e 0.2 cents per kilometer for the other routes.

With a traditional bike instead the amounts double and they will be obtained 0.20 cents per kilometer traveled on the home – work – home route or the home – school – home route e 0.4 cents per kilometer for the other routes.

The maximum you can accumulate like bike bonus is 1 euro per day, while in order to collect the total it will be necessary to accumulate at least 20 euro by December 31, 2022.

A 2021 bike bonus with which to earn up to € 80 per month

Always there Puglia at the forefront, with an experimental project active in the city of Foggia and called “Foggia by Bike”.

This bike bonus, which on the Bari model, returns a figure for each kilometer pedaled, is however an experimental measure. The municipality has therefore decided to select at the beginning only 600 beneficiaries, on which to evaluate the results and objectives achieved by the initiative. If the balance is positive then the 2021 bike bonus it will come into force at full capacity for all Foggia citizens who want to benefit from it.

To the first 600 lucky ones, the municipality of Foggia delivered a “kit pin bike”, which contains among other things a Bluetooth odometer to be installed on the bike, electric or traditional, and to be connected to the smartphone. The odometer will in fact send the data relating to the kilometers traveled and therefore to the accumulated amounts.

This bike bonus does not distinguish between routes taken with a pedal assisted bike or with a traditional bike and in any case it pays the following amounts: 0.20 cents per kilometer route on the home – work – home route or the home – school – home route e 0.15 cents per kilometer for the other routes.

The maximum amount that can be reached is 30 euros per month, to which is added an extra monthly bonus of 50 euro assigned to the first five who have cycled for the most kilometers.

If we do the math with this 2021 bike bonus you can also earn 80 euros per month, that is more 1.000 euro in a year.

Bike to Work, Ferrari also joins the new 2021 bike bonus

And here we come to Emilia-Romagna where is the 2021 bike bonus it is a maxi incentive that goes from a mobility bonus on the classic model, that is with a discount for the purchase of the vehicle, to a new contribution that pays citizens who ride a bike, as happens in Puglia.

Starting with the new bike bonus, or the “Bike to Work”, in Emilia -Romagna the functioning is a little different from that of Bari or Foggia, because here it is not the citizens who request it, but it is a bonus designed for i employees. Employers must therefore join the program and apply, who will then receive the funds with which to finance and disburse the amounts of the 2021 bike bonus to its employees.

This contribution also reimburses citizens who use the bike to go to Work, assigning a sum for each kilometer path.

Let’s talk specifically about 0.20 cents for the kilometers traveled on the home – work – home route, the other routes will not be counted towards the bonus. The maximum payable amount is 50 euros per month.

The bonus in the region has been around for a while and has been hugely successful, considering that recently too the Ferrari has chosen to join the initiative and offer a 2021 bike bonus to its employees.

In Emilia-Romagna there is also a classic 2021 mobility bonus

But citizens residing in Emilia Romagna in addition to the new 2021 bike bonus they are also entitled to a mobility bonus classic, that is, they can have regional funding for the purchase of a sustainable means of mobility with reduced footprint.

Citizens residing in municipalities under i 50,000 inhabitants, in fact, enjoy a discount of 60%, within the limit of 500 euro, if they buy an electric bicycle or scooter.

Finally, one last incentive is managed by Emilia-Romagna Railways (Fer) they offer their subscribers one 50% off%, within 300 euros, to buy one folding bicycle.

All of these incentives were financed with a fund that exceeds 3 million euros and they will have a long life given the enormous success achieved.

Mobility bonus 2021 under renewal in Trento and Piedmont

Finally also the autonomous province of Trento he thought of a mobility bonus 2021 for its citizens. At the moment, the incentive has recently expired, but it is worthwhile to give some insights because the local authorities have already announced their willingness to renew it and, after all, the contribution has already existed since 2020.

In this case it is not a bike bonus, that is, of an incentive that reimburses for the kilometers traveled by bicycle, but of a classic mobility bonus which offers a discount on the purchase of the vehicle.

If you buy one electric bicycle then you will be entitled to a 50% discount, for a maximum of 600 euro, if you buy one instead traditional bike, the maximum payable amount is 100 euro.

A similar situation lives on 2021 mobility bonus in Piedmont, which offered up to 1.000 euro for the purchase of a pedal assisted bike, and, which expired on 30 June last, is awaiting an imminent renewal.

Law 104 entitles you to a 2021 mobility bonus

Finally, in the review of active contributions, it should be remembered that discount options on the purchase of pedal assisted bicycles they are always possible in Italy for some categories.

Let’s talk about how many use the Law 104 for a severe motor handicap and their accompanying persons, for whom the purchase of one electric bicycle it is part of the expenses for which you can request the personal income tax deduction 19%.

You will simply have to enter the purchase in the tax declaration, as is already done with the classic deductible expenses.

All the mobility bonuses of the Climate Decree

If it has been said that the renewal of the national mobility bonus is expected at any moment, there are also other incentives dedicated to sustainable mobility that have not yet been formally activated.

In the first place Climate Decree approved in 2019 by the Conte government, it had provided for the establishment of an electric scooter bonus, through a 50 million euro loan from 2021 to 2026.

That incentive should consist of one 30% discount for the purchase of an electric scooter, whose list price does not, however, exceed 3.000 euro. Discount percentage that goes up to 40% if in addition to the purchase of the new vehicle you choose to to be scrapped the old Euro 0, 1, 2 and 3 class, a situation in which the maximum allowable expenditure rises to 4.000 euro.

The Climate Decree would also have provided for the possibility, if one chooses only to to be scrapped the old scooter, to have a contribution of 500 euro to spend to buy an electric bike or a pass for public transport.

Unfortunately, the innovations of the Climate Decree have been activated only minimally and it is not known what will happen to these incentives for scooters.

Cargo-bike bonus 2021, what happened to it?

Another bonus dedicated to sustainable mobility and waiting for implementing decree and the bonus cargo-bike, provided for by the 2021 Budget Law, is dedicated only to Partite Iva.

The contribution consists of one 30% discount, up to a maximum of 2.000 euro, for all the commercial activities they carry out home delivery and who want to buy some cargo-bike to make deliveries.

Also in this case the fate of the bonus they are uncertain because it is part of those many contributions, envisaged by this year’s budget law, which however have never found real activation.

Editorial collaborator, born in 1984.
I have a degree in Classical Philology and a doctorate in Ancient History from theUniversity of Naples Federico II, with a thesis on the fragmentary work of Asclepiade di Tragilo. I am the author of scientific publications on the classical world and co-editor of two international academic volumes. Since 2015, I’ve moved to England where I’ve worked as a freelance copywriter and casino dealer.
Il mio motto è? “Naples is the flower of paradise. The last adventure of my life”.

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