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Go on a mission to a hospital abroad, why not you?

In the world, 3.5 billion people are not properly cared for, of whom 400 million do not receive essential care. Many populations are also affected by humanitarian disasters, whether linked to disease, conflict or natural disasters.

The Order of Malta France is therefore mobilizing internationally to guarantee access to healthcare for sick and disabled people, to help people in distress and to protect the most vulnerable. Established in 26 countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, the Order of Malta France is also committed to the transfer of skills in order to train qualified health personnel on site.

The Order of Malta France manages seven hospitals to Benin, in Cameroon, in Ivory Coast Madagascar Palestine Senegal Togo. And six health centers : Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Guinea, Chad x2

Each year, we welcome around twenty volunteers and volunteers in these establishments. Coming from the medical field (doctor, nurse, midwife, etc.) or from more general fields (management, project management, communication), they make all their professional and human skills available to the most needy patients from these countries and from these very poor regions.

Why go on a mission?

Go on a mission, it’s learning to detach yourself from everyday life, to develop human, cultural and professional skills. It is also the opportunity to develop intercultural and interpersonal skills: creativity, adaptability, open-mindedness … Through the field, your talents will be able to express themselves!

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