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Go Inverconec will create a platform to manage greenhouse production

The project Go to Inverconec It consists of the development of a technological tool called Connected Greenhouse which will improve the efficiency of water use and the fertilization process.

The Forza Inverconec Operational Group is developing the Connected Greenhouse project, a technological tool where greenhouse production data can be easily correlated on a single platform and which facilitates the traceability of food from the field to the consumers.

Currently, a large number of elements are controlled automatically in a greenhouse. These controls depend on irrigation, the use of agrochemicals, or the environmental conditions in which the crop is grown. However, there is no platform that unifies and offers a complete view of the greenhouse that aids decision making related to pest management, irrigation control or fertilization strategies.

This is the reason that moved the Operational Group composed of COHESPHAL, ANECOOP, Agro-planning, PROEXPORT, Hispatec, University of Almeria yes Cajamar Foundation to launch this innovative project. They are all companies and institutions with a strong link with the greenhouse sector, with agricultural digitization and agri-food innovation.

mobile application

The Forza Inverconec Operational Group seeks to improve the competitiveness of the production system as well as its sustainability and promote entrepreneurship. The new technological tool will help improve the efficiency of water use and the fertilization process. It will also serve to regulate input doses and thus avoid leaching losses.

The platform, once evaluated and associated with a control and work reduction strategy, will be the basis for the development of a PPP.

Go Inverconec, an integration solution

This information integration platform can be the basis for controlling data from all production areas, upon which artificial intelligence tools can be applied that allow progress towards personalized prescription in each greenhouse.

As part of the objectives of AEI-AGRI (European Association for Innovation in Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability), this project promotes a more efficient and environmentally friendly agricultural sector. It also creates links between technological knowledge and farmers/users and promotes innovative solutions for rapid implementation. It also allows farmers to be further integrated into the value chain.

Innovation for a sector of 70,000 hectares

The target market covered by this project includes producers, marketing chains, supermarkets and consumers. The greenhouse sector in Spain represents more than 70,000 hectares. In particular, in Almería there are more than 30,000 hectares, with a production value of over 2,600 million euros and where almost 80% is exported mainly to the countries of the European Union.

The organizational and production structure of this sector allows it to supply food not only for the local and national market, but also to satisfy a large part of the European demand for fresh fruit and vegetables. It contributes 30% of Andalusia’s agricultural value and offers 45,000 agricultural jobs to people of 150 different nationalities.

Financing of Go Inverconec

The project is financed 80% by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (FEADER) of the European Union and 20% by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), by Royal Decree 169/ 2018, of 23 March.

The project is part of the 2020 Call for Proposals of the 2014-2020 National Rural Development Program and is managed by the Directorate General for Rural Development, Innovation and Agri-Food Training (DGDRIFA), as the Managing Authority in charge of applying the EAFRD and of the corresponding national aid (guide reference 44532).

The entity responsible for the content of this project is the Operational Group: GO INVERCONEC. CONNECTED GREENHOUSE, FROM THE CROP TO THE FINAL CONSUMER, lasting approximately 2 years, will last until March 2023 with a total budget of 529,724.31 euros. COHESPHALparticipates with a budget of 55,472.88 euros.

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