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“Go back to the Lakers? It wouldn’t be bad.”


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Spanish basketball is still very aware of Pau Gasol. The basketball player has not played since his injury to one of his feet, although his hopes of being able to help the Spanish team in the Tokyo Olympics the next summer. Meanwhile, rumors about a return before that appointment to prepare continue to appear and the latest ones point to Los Angeles Lakers, team with which he got his two rings from the NBA.

The Spanish pivot has revealed his status and the illusion that would make him return to the North American league in an interview in the newspaper The Republic. “Well, that would not be bad. But it depends on several factors, some of which I do not control. And that is why, at this moment, I prefer to focus on the daily work that allows me to leave the injury behind. Once achieved. this objective, everything that comes from that moment will be special and I intend to enjoy it “, argued the Catalan.

Before, it was rumored that he could reach the team from which his legacy was born so that he could have competition rhythm before the Olympic event. “He Barça It is very important to me. Not only because I played there before going to the NBA, but also because it is the club of my land and in which my brother also played. And that is why it was a pleasure for me to be appointed as a strategic advisor and global ambassador for Barça “, explained the oldest of the most important brothers in the history of this sport in Spain.

The reality is that the Spanish hoped to reach this date having clearer his options for this year. Gasol had previously explained that the exams at the end of 2020 and 2021 were going to be vital to see if he could compete. Without having explained too much in this interview about when he will decide his future, everything is still up in the air. Sergio Scariolo He hopes to know more about that physical state to have him this summer or not.

A year without Kobe

This Tuesday marks one year of the day of the death of Kobe Bryant. The Spanish has also remembered his figure in this interview. “There are still days when I find it difficult to believe that he is no longer with us and, when I remember him, I feel a great sense of emptiness. Without a doubt the inheritance that he leaves us is that we should all live life to the fullest. Because we don’t know what it will happen tomorrow, “argued the Spanish pivot.

Gasol considered Bryant as his “older brother”, so his death had a strong impact on Pau. His relationship with the family of the Lakers legend remains very intense. The Catalan, father of a girl this past 2020, called Gianna to his daughter in memory of the one who also died in that fatal accident in the vicinity of The Angels.

[Más información: LeBron James compara su conexión con Marc Gasol en los Lakers con la que tenían Kobe y Pau]

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