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Glowing face, more beautiful with an aloe vera mask, here’s how to make it

Having healthy and smooth facial skin is definitely the dream of all women. In addition to routine maintenance at the salon, doing maintenance independently at home will certainly give you satisfaction and plus points.

That is why women often perform care at home, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic like now. One treatment that is never missed and forgotten is the use of face masks. Because masks are one way to maintain skin moisture and restore nutrition to stay healthy.

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Currently, aloe vera masks are popular masks and are loved by women. Because in addition to providing benefits for hair, aloe vera actually has hundreds of ingredients that are very good for women’s beauty.

Reporting from the site harapanrakyat.com, the aloe vera plant is very nutritious for treating facial skin. The components in aloe vera include the content of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, polysaccharides, and fatty acids.

So that aloe vera becomes one of the most versatile herbal medicines, including for facial care. Even the use of aloe vera as a treatment has been used since five thousand years ago.

The aloe vera leaf itself is mostly filled with a gel-like liquid and most of it is water. The advantages and benefits of aloe vera for facial care include that it is rich in nutrients for the skin.

Aloe vera contains a variety of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, niacin, folic acid, and choline. Aloe vera is also rich in minerals calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, chromium, selenium, potassium, and manganese.

Aloe vera mask contains about 22 amino acids which are beneficial for the body and skin. This plant turns out to contain various types of fatty acids that the body needs.

Aloe vera also contains three types of sterols, namely HCL cholesterol, B-sitosterol, and campesterol. Sterols are effective in lowering fat in the blood, relieving allergies, and overcoming acid disorders in digestion.

Not only that, aloe vera is an analgesic that can reduce pain in wounds. This plant also contains antipruritic, which is a substance that can reduce or prevent itching.

Aloe vera contains a “vulnerary” which is widely used by the cosmetic industry for beauty products. This content can heal skin wounds and is good for relieving burns, abrasions, psoriasis, and overcoming acne.

In addition, aloe vera also contains substances that can cause contractions in body tissues. So that many use this herb to reduce bleeding from small wounds.

Not only that, aloe vera mask also has a powerful emollient content in softening and refreshing the skin. This emollient is effective in disguising wrinkles due to early aging.

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Besides that, aloe vera contains a very high water content which is useful for moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin. Aloe vera is also useful for increasing skin elasticity which accelerates the repair of collagen and elastin.

So, for those of you who want to make your own aloe vera mask at home, here are some ways to make an aloe vera mask. Apart from using aloe vera, of course you can add some other beauty ingredients in it.

First, the aloe vera mask without the addition of other ingredients. For this mask, it is enough just to use aloe vera. To make it, just peel it and take the clear flesh and place it in a small bowl.

To use it, clean your face and apply the aloe vera pulp on the face evenly using a brush. Let stand for about 20 minutes so that the nutrients soak into the skin then rinse with clean water.

Meanwhile, those who want to add other ingredients, such as honey, papaya, cucumber, and others, can simply add it.

The mixed mask with papaya fruit can make your face look glowing. Likewise, the addition of honey is useful for removing acne scars and smoothing the skin. Aloe vera and egg white are also effective in removing wrinkles.

For how to make this mixed aloe vera mask is very easy. The step is to put the aloe vera gel and other ingredients in a small bowl. Stir well without adding water. After that it is ready to be used as a face mask.

So, those were the tips for making face masks to make yourself more beautiful. Good luck, hopefully useful.

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