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GLOSA: Covidov hysterie nabv sherd rozmr

I will take the step of the Slovak government, which unexpectedly closed the borders, behind a subheading. Covid’s hysteria tm reaches another dimension. He hastened and, as a result, the completely unnecessary measures taken by our neighbors, then liquidated even the last benefits of the EU in the form of guaranteed free movement of persons.

It is, in my opinion, the very culmination and stupidity of the inhabitants of both nations, who, on the other hand, have formed one hundred cents for many decades and still have a strong bond.

The Slovak government simply whistled it, and the fact that it took a little back now does not change anything. On the contrary, the Czech government did not break extra to help people (or companies) who got into very difficult situations due to closed borders.

Vldn papali simply shouted at their fears, in the end it was not the first and certainly not the last. Let them know that the people will set it for them in the coming elections

The author is an emeritn slovck sentor, taken from the profile

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