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Gloria Münchmeyer And Gaby Hernández Open Free Theater Series | AdPress

Fog, A lot of witches flying through the sky, One morning I left, Oleanna, Dark matter, Short film Mastodonte show, La Tirana, Il Concerto, Fisherman and The depressed person. Nine national plays and one Argentine premiere will be able to be seen for free between June 17 and 27 at the Teatro Ariete digital cycle, as part of the actions of the Intercommunal Audience Training Network.

“This is the third edition of this project that seeks to bring theater to communities that many times have not even been able to see a play. Usually what we do is move our traveling tent to install it in these locations, however, due to the pandemic, we had to adapt the cycle to the virtual format ”, explains Juan Ibáñez, director of the cycle. “Going digital allows us to expand programming. We have a wide variety of works by well-known artists with a long career. It really is an excellent opportunity to see good theater ”, he continues.

Promoted and produced by Teatro Ariete in alliance with Quilicura Teatro –recently awarded by the Circle of Art Critics–, the project is financed by the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage through the Program for Strengthening Cultural Organizations, Call 2019, which on this occasion brings together the Municipality of Rinconada de los Andes, the Pichilemu Crea Cultural Corporation, the Teno Cultural Corporation, the Molina Municipal Corporation of Culture and Arts, the Independence Culture and Heritage Corporation and the Quilicura Cultural Corporation.

“Generating alliances and agreements with cultural centers and theaters has always been our focus, because we understand how enriching it is. With the current impossibility of holding face-to-face events, more than ever we have made an effort not to let go of this collaborative work, achieving -to date- do digital projects together with Escenix, Famfest, Corporación Cultural de Coyhaique, Fundación Cultural de Mejillones and now join Ariete Theater. In difficult times for culture, the union of those of us who work on this is vital to stay afloat ”, adds Mauricio Novoa, executive director of the Quilicura Cultural Corporation.

Composed of four major mediation areas: Digital Cycle Ariete Theater, Territorial Activities, Improvement Talks for cultural agents, and Theater and education: Spectators of Tomorrow, despite not having presence, the program will continue to emphasize working with the territories, where he will hold workshops, talks and assemblies.

The functions will be broadcast at 9 pm, from Thursday to Sunday and, at the end, there will be a discussion with the cast. In addition, on Saturdays at noon, two plays will be presented aimed at family and early childhood audiences. The cycle will be transmitted by the virtual platforms Quilicutateatro.cl and Teatroariete.cl, and the complete billboard can be received by sending a WhatsApp message to +569 8658 1539 with the phrase “I want the billboard of the Ariete Cycle in Quilicura Theater.” Thus, every day the direct link to access the functions will arrive.

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