Bibliographic information
ISBN/EAN: 9783810026026
Language: German
Pages: 320 pages, 4 b/w illustrations, 320 pages, 4 illustrations.
Fomat (h/b/t): 2 x 21 x 14.5 cm
Binding: cardboard book
Political education in the Federal Republic of Germany is currently facing completely new challenges. One of the most fundamental is associated with the term ‘globalization’ – a central, perhaps even the key, category of social scientific discussions at the beginning of the third millennium. On the one hand, political education deals with the topic of ‘globalization’. On the other hand, it is itself affected by the globalization process and must respond to it by adapting or modernizing its structures. If one looks at political education work solely from the perspective of economic utility, its end is foreseeable. However, in view of globalization, it is more necessary than ever and far too important for maintaining democracy and decent living conditions to be left to the rampage of market forces.
Author portrait
Prof. Dr. Christoph Butterwegge, head of the Department of Political Science at the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Cologne. Dr. Gudrun Hentges, research assistant at the Department of Social Sciences/Department of Political Science at the University of Cologne.
With contributions from: Wolfgang Sander, Peter Massing, Klaus Seitz, Klaus-Peter Hufer, Christoph Butterwegge, Wolfgang Beer, Annette Kuhn, Dagmar Richter, Albert Scherr, Rudolf Leiprecht, F. Klaus Koopmann, Tatjana Leidig, Frank Nonnenmacher, Gudrun Hentges, Siegfried Schiele
2024-01-12 19:48:18
#Political #education #globalization