Home » today » Health » Global Study Reveals High Prevalence of Mental Disorders Amongst Population by Age 75

Global Study Reveals High Prevalence of Mental Disorders Amongst Population by Age 75

[Voice of Hope August 26, 2023](Editor: Li Wenhan) An international team of scientists conducted a global study using data from 150,000 people in 29 countries, which shows that by the age of 75, approximately Half the population will suffer from some kind of mental disorder.

A team of scientists from 27 countries, including researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia and Harvard Medical School in the United States, analyzed data from 156,331 respondents aged 18 and over to the World Health Organization’s World Mental Health Survey from 2001 to 2022.

Participants lived in 29 countries, including 12 low- and middle-income countries and 17 high-income countries. Among the respondents, women accounted for 54.5% and men accounted for 45.4%.

mental illness (pixabay)

A study published in The Lancet Psychiatry found that mental illness often first emerges in childhood, adolescence or adolescence. The peak age at which the disease first appears is 19 years old for men and 20 years old for women.

The lifetime prevalence of any mental disorder was 28.6% in men and 29.8% in women. However, by age 75, the risk of developing these psychopathologies increased to 46.4% and 53.1%, respectively.

The most common mental disorders in women are depression, phobias and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). The most “popular” male disorders were alcoholism, depression and phobias.

Editor in charge: Li Zhi

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2023-08-27 00:10:06

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