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Global Security Law. Before Christmas, the mobilization seems to be marking time

Processions bringing together several hundred people marched this Saturday, December 19 throughout France against the comprehensive security bill qu’they judge liberticide but also more generally against the policy of the government, the mobilization seeming to give signs of running out of steam.

In Paris, a few hundred demonstrators gathered in front of the Council of State at the call of the yellow vests, supervised by the police present en masse, before taking the direction of the Pont des Arts.

They wanted to organize a “March of powers” passing through the Senate, Matignon and the National Assembly but their route has been retested by the prefecture “Because of the risk of public disturbances” in an area with many shops.

Against the government’s “security turn”

“Overall, I do not agree with the security turn taken by the government”, explained in the procession Sercan Gulubay, denouncing a “Liberticidal law”.

Many demonstrators wore a multicolored umbrella, in tribute to “Moun”, a fifty-year-old yellow vest arrested last Saturday in the Parisian demonstration and indicted on Tuesday. She is suspected of triggering with her rainbow umbrella the violence attributed to the « black-bloc », which she disputes.

“We are scandalized to see pacifist comrades who took custody with phony motives on the pretext that they were in the wrong place”, laments “Joul”, a musician activist. “We are being put on Stalinist trials, but we do not want to end in a country where there are no longer any rights! “, he says, disguised as a bloody rabbit under his yellow vest.

Demonstration in Lille and Bordeaux

In Lille, a march saw the convergence of opponents of the Global Security Act and members of the Sélom and Matisse collective, named after two young people who died caught by a train. This collective had called to demonstrate all in black, three years after the facts, to request a reconstruction in order to clarify the role of the police in the drama. The demonstrators were around 500 according to the prefecture.

In Bordeaux, around 200 people, including a figure of the yellow vests movement, Jérôme Rodrigues, demonstrated against the “Liberticidal laws” and “Macron and his world.

In Rennes, nearly 400 people gathered at the call of a dozen leftist organizations. The gathering was also peaceful, as in Le Mans where 200 people demonstrated in the city center.

The demonstration took place without incident, according to the police, the demonstrators respecting the route they had declared without attempting to enter the perimeter of prohibition to demonstrate defined by prefectural decree.

Last Saturday, thousands of people marched under a very strong police presence throughout France to denounce the comprehensive security bill and the government’s bill on separatism.

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