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Global offensive again breaks record with simultaneous players

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has been breaking its own records lately. It’s been a good month for the tactical multiplayer shooter in terms of its player threshold. To date, the game has broken its player record for the third time in February 2020, and its previous record was set to 901,681 players in the second week of the month.

In addition, the first record was set in February (which was set in the first week) set up among 876,575 players, which means that the number of players from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive rose by over 25,000 in a week – and even more at the end of the month. The page Steam charts clocks the individual records and showed how popular the long-time game has become.

New records every month …

The latest data from Valve’s Steam charts shows that the new player count record includes 916,996 players using the game at the same time. It means that Global offensive saw an impressive jump of around 40,000 players within a few weeks. The players flock to the game, that is officially 8 years old this year, and the Counter-StrikeSeries is more than a decade older than this. Beyond that Global offensive in recent months proven to be able to attract new players and keep winning them over. The average number of players has been at over 400,000 players since August 2019, and the average number of players in January rose to over 500,000.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive – (C) Valve

Would be natural Global offensive– Players may not be surprised at the number their game draws considering that the competitive game is one of the biggest eSports scenes. Received at the beginning of the month Global offensive also a brand new update – which explains the increase in players who are rushing to investigate the major changes to a number of cards and other improvements made to the game.

Maybe the number of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive further. It seems the game is in full swing and time will tell if Valve that can keep things going in the future. The community definitely fits and the game is not contaminated with cheaters like other titles.

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