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Global health shocked the world with a new development around the Coruna virus

The World Health Organization denied the theories that suggested the disappearance of the Coronavirus by the summer, After health officials in the United States announced earlier, a possible hypothesis stating that the potential for the new Corona virus could be seasonal, and thus the possibility of its risk decreasing in hot or warm weather.

The executive director of the WHO’s health emergency program, Dr. Mike Ryan, said yesterday evening, Friday, that everyone should assume that the virus will still be able to spread, and that it is wrong to think that it will be seasonal and disappear in the summer, such as influenza.

Ryan expressed the hope that the virus would disappear, but pointed out that this possibility is an assumption without evidence.

It is noteworthy that the number of newly infected Coronavirus in the world reached more than 100,000 people, including about 3400 deaths in 91 countries and regions.

China is the epicenter of the first time in late December, the country most affected by the virus, with 80,552 cases, including 3,042 deaths.

WHO Director-General Tidros Adhanom Gebresos appealed to countries of the world to stop stocking gags, gloves and other protective equipment.

He said he was concerned that the emerging virus was hindering the supply of preventive equipment, including the much needed respirators to protect health workers struggling with outbreaks around the world.

He added: “We are concerned that countries’ capacities to respond to risk are being jeopardized by the extremely severe obstruction of the global supply of personal protective equipment caused by increased demand, abuse and storage.”

“The shortage leaves doctors, nurses and health workers unprepared to deal with Covid-19 patients,” Gypressus added.

He said that there is limited access to supplies such as gloves, medical masks, respirators, eyeglasses, face protectors, dresses, aprons and covers, adding: “We cannot tackle COFED-19 without protecting health workers.”

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