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Global health brings good news about Japan’s treatment of Corona virus … Details

Dr. Amjad Al-Khouli, a WHO epidemiological consultant, revealed a treatment Corona Virus The novelty, confirming that the indications so far are positive about the new Japanese medicine, but so far not recommended World Health Organization, Or the Japanese Ministry of Health using this medication widely.

Al-Khouli added, “During a phone call to the” Today “program, broadcast on the” dmc “satellite channel, that the death rate due to seasonal influenza is 0.2% of the total number of infected people, while the percentage of deaths resulting from infection with Corona Virus Up to 4%.-

Today, Saturday, the Ministry of Health and Population announced that 55 of those infected with the Corona virus have been discharged from isolation and quarantine hospitals.

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Dr. Khaled Mujahid, Advisor to the Minister of Health and Population for Media Affairs and the official spokesperson of the ministry, said that the number of cases whose laboratory results have been converted from positive to negative for Corona virus (Covid-19) increased to 980 cases, including the 701 recovered.

He added that 188 new cases that proved positive for laboratory analyzes of the virus, all Egyptians, were registered as part of the ministry’s surveillance and investigation procedures, according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization, pointing to the death of 19 cases.

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