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Global change; less food

The rising global temperature devastates: crop collapse and habitat disappearance or degradation, endangering biodiversity and food supply. Drought and shortage of drinking water are, fortunately, history. No one remembers those fateful months of terrible heat and thirst in hundreds of thousands of homes. The rain washed away sins and memories, so there will be no actions to improve nature to stop harming it with the knowledge of the authorities.

Climate change, pesticides and insecticides threaten the existence of bees and other pollinators essential for food production. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) points out that 75% of the world’s crops depend on pollinators to enable fertilization and seed production. 16% of vertebrate pollinators (bats) and 40% of invertebrate pollinators (butterflies and bees) are on the list of endangered species.

Apples, pears, peaches, blueberries, cherries, plums and avocados; walnuts and almonds; cucumbers, cilantro, fennel and wheat. Melons, kiwis, pumpkins and watermelons, cocoa, Brazil nuts and vanilla, without pollinators would see a 90% reduction. Cereal production is reduced. Sinaloa and Sonora (the country’s breadbasket), due to the lack of rain, suffer a 50% drop in wheat. Rice, soybeans, corn, onions, sorghum, sugar cane, beans, tomatoes, chili, avocado, potatoes, lemons and oranges are affected. Beer, wine, chocolate, coffee, olives, seafood and fish.

According to the Australian Climate Institute, 50% of the world’s land for coffee cultivation would be unsuitable by 2050. Brazil, Colombia and Vietnam. Harvard warns that by 2050 a third of the cocoa trees in the West African Belt could die and cause a global shortage.

Grapes are sensitive to temperature. Bordeaux in France and Napa Valley in California suffer from drought and flooding. Locusts move to high latitudes due to rising surface temperatures. In Spain, an olive producer, they cause reduced yields. The speed with which climate change advances will make it more difficult to grow and buy food. Billions of people, especially in developing countries, will become food insecure. Hailstorms, fires, unpredictable rains and frosts decimate yields.

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