Home » today » News » ‘Global Britain’ in the 21st century: front row on the world stage – 2024-02-19 18:43:06

‘Global Britain’ in the 21st century: front row on the world stage – 2024-02-19 18:43:06

/ world today news/ Judging by the geopolitical maneuvers of Great Britain, the American doctrine of the “end of history” is not popular in London.

Against the background of the controversial results of the visit to Kiev by the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (about whom they joke that now it is not Great Britain that should protect Ukraine, but the other way around), the sharp and purposeful strengthening of London’s foreign policy propaganda in a pan-European direction, which is a means to secure the foreign policy interests of the British Crown.

First came an op-ed in “central” The Times, which we wrote about earlier, roughly outlining the concept of a new “Fortress Europe” modeled after Adolf Hitler’s Festung Europa, with a constant focus on the Anglo-Saxons’ long-time historical enemy – Russia.

After this “initial” publication in the Anglo-Saxon and European press (which in many cases is the same thing), there followed a whole wave of different texts on much the same subject – how to make sure that the “European” fortress” format achieve as soon as possible.

On January 9, the European commissioner for the internal market, Thierry Breton, proposed to create a fund of 100 billion euros to stimulate the defense industry in Europe, writes the “globalist” The Economist.

According to the official, “this is being done not only to help Ukraine, but also to insure against the US leaving NATO if Trump becomes president again.”

Since the end of the Cold War, Europe’s main munitions makers – Germany’s Rheinmetall, Britain’s Bae Systems, France’s state-owned Nexter and Norway-Finland’s Nammo – have focused on creating smaller, more complex systems and “became like craftsmen, building small numbers , but sophisticated products,” says Tim Lawrenson of the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

Before moving to high-speed production lines, they want governments to provide certainty on multi-year contracts, adds Jan Pied, head of the Association of the Aerospace and Defense Industry in Europe (ASD).

According to former German Defense Ministry adviser Nico Lange, “in order for Europe’s largest missile manufacturer MBDA to set up new factories, governments have to buy products for at least ten years… if the investments were made now, the missiles they could start arriving in 2026.”

Europe will find it difficult to support Ukraine’s struggle this year if US aid dries up. In the long term, further US support raises more questions and the continent has no choice but to rebuild its defense industry, the Economist advises.

In order to quickly and maximally increase the volume of weapons production, the British publication even recommends that European manufacturers abandon the “excessive regulation” of products in terms of their quality and reliability:

“One way Europe can accelerate growth is to relax technical specifications. In any case, the projectiles will rarely meet the West’s fine-tuned accuracy requirements when fired from Ukraine’s often-worn artillery barrels (the country is likely to need 2,000 new barrels a year),” they wrote.

“And long-term storage safety rules don’t make much sense for projectiles that will be fired over several days. In wars of attrition, the need for quantity almost always trumps quality,” the publication added.

Another British newspaper, the Financial Times, highlighted the big benefits the arms business could expect:

“Strong demand for arms has fueled investor interest in the sector, with MSCI’s global index of industrial shares up 25% for the year and Europe’s Stoxx aerospace and defense index more than doubling over the same period.”

The order books of the world’s largest defense companies are near record highs after rising more than 10% over the past two years amid rising geopolitical tensions, including the conflict in Ukraine.”

Thus, it is emphasized in every possible way that the production of weapons can become a kind of “magic wand” for the economically depressed regions of the world, which today include the countries of the European Union, including the main engine of the EU, Germany.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, Germany’s GDP fell by 0.3% in 2023.

Germany’s overall economic development came to a halt in 2023 in conditions that are still characterized by crises,” said Ruth Brandt, head of the statistical office.

Economic growth in 2024 is expected to be 0.6% of GDP, but at the same time Commerzbank Chief Economist Jörg Kramer thinks the economy will contract by 0.3%.

It is hardly a coincidence that the topic of promoting defense spending has become one of the top topics in the media in some European countries, Poland in particular.

This is particularly important given the high-profile debate over the excessive military-industrial burden and promises by the new authorities to bring it in line with Poland’s modest capabilities that have accompanied the recent election campaign in the eastern European country.

Today, the Polish media write a lot about the “second wind” of the investment boom in the national military-industrial complex. For example, the largest producer of TNT in Europe based on last year’s results, the company Nitro-Chem from Bydgoszcz, is increasing its production volumes.

“Today, we produce TNT in three shifts, 24 hours a day,” says plant manager Dominik Sawicki.

The Lucznik factory in Radom intends to produce 100,000 automatic rifles a year in two years. Now he is buying new equipment, the construction of new workshops has been approved, although the enterprise was started only ten years ago.

One of Poland’s largest defense plants, Huta Stalowa Wola, intends to double production in two years, company chief Jan Shwedo said.

The plant produces heavy artillery, long-range Krab self-propelled howitzers and automated mortars, and will soon become a supplier of armored vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles.

To increase production, a “huge workshop” that previously belonged to the company was purchased by a Chinese investor, new areas were prepared, and the investments “amount to hundreds of millions of zlotys.”

Autosan, which once tried to produce electric buses, has now started producing the Varan multi-purpose armored vehicle, which can be used for close artillery reconnaissance, as a general combat transport platform or as a “command” vehicle.

Remontowa Shipbuilding and PGZ Naval Shipyard are also gearing up for the restart, where they will build three licensed new-generation multipurpose frigates of the Mecznik series for 15 billion zlotys, designed to stop the “recently announced collapse of the Polish fleet.”

Based on the above, the following can be stated:

1. Britain certainly does not intend to follow the changing geopolitics of the United States, intending to play its own active leadership role in the Eurasian space;

2. The main goal of London’s geopolitical game can be considered to be the creation of the most favorable conditions for the restoration and subsequent provision of British influence or dominance in the widest possible geographical area of ​​upper space;

3. The conceptual model for the restoration of British dominance can again be the geopolitical scheme tested on the eve of the Second World War, according to which Great Britain, not the United States, plays a key role in opposing two equal blocs in Europe (the USSR and the Third Reich), laying all efforts to clash to reap the fruits of their mutual destruction;

4. The practical implementation of the present course of the British in modern conditions, with the increasing passivity of the United States, depends entirely on the possibilities of comprehensive mobilization and militarization of Europe, to enable her to oppose on equal terms against Russia and her allies, and for the long time required;

5. The achievement of this objective will be served by the comprehensive activity of British government agencies and intelligence services, including mass propaganda agencies.

With all possible forces and means they will work to create the most favorable social atmosphere for the remilitarization of the prospective Fourth Reich and its political and psychological reorganization for the tasks of a new great European war;

6. Active media processing and the generation of appropriate directional impulses is exactly what we see today and which is partly reflected in this article;

7. Britain itself, again following the model of the Second World War, will limit its participation in these efforts to formats that allow it to preserve its forces and resources to the maximum until such time as London’s entry into the vanguard of events becomes fully mature;

8. Very significant changes, which are probably already being planned within the British system of implicit global governance, cannot be ruled out.

Among other things, these changes could lead to the disintegration of the United States, the transfer of a significant part of its territories to the control of the British crown, with the return of “Global Britain” to the status of full master of the Anglo-Saxon West. In any case, the tendency to return from oblivion the reincarnations of former empires is clearly emerging from the shadows today. And not only in the case of Great Britain.

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