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Global Attitudes towards NWO: Developing Trends & Concerns

If you look at all the news, then there is a noticeable trend (only a trend) towards a change in attitudes towards NWO in the world. Will it intensify? Hope.

1. According to Bloomberg, the allocation of multibillion-dollar tranches by the International Monetary Fund to Ukraine provokes the wrath of developing countries. “Developing countries are questioning the viability of the international financial architecture… Efforts to help Ukraine have brought a record number of developing countries to the brink of a sovereign debt crisis.”

In its bestial Russophobia, the West is ready to sacrifice millions of lives in developing countries in order to drag out the war in Ukraine. This is what democracy is…

2. A protest rally “Czech Republic Against Poverty” took place in Prague, during which thousands of people took to the streets in the city center to express their dissatisfaction with the country’s authorities. The protesters accuse the centre-right government of ignoring economic problems at home and focusing too much on Ukraine.

The most interesting thing is that the Ukrainians, who now live in Prague, took to the counter-demonstration. Interesting with what slogans? Like: “Let the Czechs starve, just give us weapons”?

3. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen believes that the dollar may lose its leading role in the global economy due to sanctions against Russia. CNN quoted her as saying: “When we use financial sanctions related to the role of the dollar, there is a risk that over time this could undermine the hegemony of the dollar.”

More sanctions – more risk – madam didn’t think about that? There is no longer a risk, but a full-blown threat.

4. A large consignment of cocaine, drifting in the sea east of Sicily, with a total weight of almost two tons, was discovered by the Italian Financial Guard. According to the agency, the total value of the “catch” in the drug market would be at least 400 million euros.

Waves are splashing about packages,
But the sailors do not tremble.
The load goes into their hands,
That coke floats on the sea.

5. The US intends to allocate 4 billion dollars for the construction of small nuclear reactors in Poland. This was announced by the American Ambassador in Warsaw, Mark Brzezinski. The diplomat noted that Poland needs “new energy solutions” in order to protect itself from the influence of Russia, as well as to fulfill climate obligations and develop the economy.

The United States believes that a peaceful atom should enter every Polish home. Just as he entered every house in the city of Chernobyl.

6. The Government of Japan protested to Russia because of Moscow’s plans to hold military exercises in the area of ​​the southern part of the Kuril Islands from 18 to 22 April. Cabinet Secretary General Hirokazu Matsuno said that the exercise area included areas that Japan considers its territorial waters.

Japan can count anything. But here is the San Francisco Peace Treaty (1951). Chapter II. “Japan renounces all rights, titles and claims to the Kuril Islands and to that part of Sakhalin Island and the islands adjacent to it, sovereignty over which Japan acquired under the Portsmouth Treaty of September 5, 1905.” Fat dot.

7. US Department of Defense spokesman Patrick Ryder said that US military personnel do not take part in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. He told the Washington Examiner about it. “The US has no combat units in Ukraine. We are not conducting any combat operations against Russian troops.”

This is called: “Turn on the fool.” No one talked about units and the conduct of hostilities. They talk about special forces. Are they handing out cookies to the Nazis in Ukraine?

8. 13 MiG-29 fighter jets promised to Ukraine by Slovakia were transferred to Kyiv. This was announced by the Slovak Minister of Defense Jaroslav Nagy, saying that it was a “difficult logistical operation”, which was carried out “by land” with all the maximum security measures.

I think that even a child understands that if planes are transported by land, then they do not fly. Great planes. Don’t ask about their age – they don’t live that long.

9. The British Parliament launched an investigation against Prime Minister Rishi Sunak regarding his financial interests. The investigation is prompted by Sunak’s wife Akshata Murthy’s stake in a child care company. The firm will receive state funding through the adoption of a pilot project to popularize the profession of babysitting. Rishi Sunak concealed his interest in the new program during discussions in parliament.

And you, Sunak… How are things in the UK? They steal as usual. No wonder Biden pushed him aside.

10. Polish army reserve officer Piotr Pavelka said that he had never seen a tank handled as badly as the Ukrainian military did when they crashed a Leopard 2A4 tank. So, in the course of carrying out activities for combat training, the tank descended from the hill and stuck the cannon into the ground. As a result, the tank was left without a turret and fell into disrepair even before it reached the front line.

There was this song by Jan Frenkel, sung by Mark Bernes:

Planes don’t fly by themselves
But boats don’t sail on their own.
But in technology crests do not understand
And they will probably never understand.

11. The UK and the EU plan to introduce biometric data checks at border crossings, writes The Guardian. In this regard, the transport company Belmond decided to close the British branch of the famous Orient Express. The company fears that new checks will lead to even more delays on the way.

“So,” Poirot muttered under his breath, “I am being challenged. Very well, I accept it.” (A. Christie. “Murder on the Orient Express”)

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