entertainment">Glennis announced last week that her relationship was stranded after three years. They are now two months apart, but it is still difficult at times. “It is going in the right direction again,” said the singer. “But I was very sick of it and I still am from time to time. We did have something very nice. I always have a soft spot for him. ”
entertainment">Her grief over the breakup could stop Glennis in her new single Not a tear. The song, originally written in English, was offered to the singer when she was in the middle of the relationship crisis. “It was my story,” she reflected. “It couldn’t be a coincidence. I didn’t intend to record anything at all, but it was meant to be. ”
entertainment">Glen Faria made a Dutch text of the song. But there may still be an English version, Glennis said. There is also a new album on the way. “I’m going to start with singles first, drop a lot of singles and from there comes an album.”
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