The former vice president of the Republic Jorge Glas Espinelcaptured at the headquarters of the Mexican Embassy, in Quito, by the National Police, around 10:00 p.m. last night, was transferred, at 7:20 a.m. this Saturday, April 6, from the Flagrancy Unit to the maximum prison security of La Roca, near Guayaquil.
Glas arrived in Guayaquil on an Armed Forces flight at 10:00 am.
The former vice president spent the night in the Flagrancia Unit, in the north of Quito, since He was captured at 10:00 p.m. by elite units of the National Police, inside the Mexican Embassy.where he had been a refugee since December 17 of last year, and where on Friday, April 5, he received political asylum from the president of Mexico, Manuel Lopez Obrador.
Early this Saturday, Glas left in an armored vehicle and under a strong security device towards the Quito airport, where he was boarded on an aircraft heading to Guayaquil, where the La Roca maximum security prison is located.
Glas’ destination prison was confirmed in a statement by the National Service for Comprehensive Attention to Persons Deprived of Liberty (SNAI), the State penitentiary agency, which will comply with the preventive detention order that weighed on the former vice president.

#Glas #transferred #maximum #security #prison #Roca